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21 days and miserable

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  1. colla27
    colla27 avatar
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    21 Jan 2019
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    Someone please tell me if this is normal, and if it's going to go away? Tomorrow is day 21 of cold turkey quit and I'm feeling worse, not better. I'm exhausted all the time, as well as hungry, have gained weight, am sad/irritable, and feel worse about myself than I did starting out. I'd gained weight over he holidays already and am thinking I should maybe have lost it before attempting to quit. The withdrawls have been bad, the worst of any time I've quit, and there have been several attempts over the years. I figure I've made it this far and don't want to resume smoking, but am just wondering if this is going to start getting better??? I'm glad for the better taste in my mouth and that I don't smell like smoke, and the money I'm saving is nice.  I'm not seeing any other benefits yet though, and am so tired and lacking in energy that's it's getting hard to take. I run, have never had a problem doing it despite smoking, but am suddenly struggling.  I though this was supposed to be healthier??? Any advice anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to keep a longer term perspective here bit I'm getting discouraged. Thanks in advance.
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    21 Jan 2019 in reply to colla27
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    Tomorrow is day 21 for me as well. I went cold turkey after trying the lozenges and mist for the first few days (didn't like how they made me feel).

    I was so thrilled to get past the nicotine withdrawal by about the 5th day (headaches, vomit, constant thirst) that everything since then seems minor to me, including being more tired (which I figure is my bodies way of healing me). 

    Holiday weight gain followed by a bit of weight gain from quitting is a minor thing that can be dealt with in due course. The hunger is partly due to not smoking - cigarettes are a hunger depressant. 

    You're already noticing the positives of not smoking. Now keep looking at all the good reasons not to smoke and the overall benefits, and you'll start to feel better about yourself.

    In some ways you are dealing with the psychological side of the quit and learning how to be a non-smoker. 

    I watched a movie the other night, and it felt so good not to rush outside into the -20C cold to suck back a smoke. I just relaxed and enjoyed a few moments with my wife. Can you see some similar benefits already?

    One thing that helped me was doing a good cleaning of all my jackets, garage and van (places where I smoked). This was both a needed housekeeping and a morale booster. 

    It's all about mindset now. Be positive. 

    Last modified on 21 Jan 2019 22:04 by atp
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi colla27

    Wow - 21 days - you should be so proud of yourself.  You've knocked down some of the hardest days already.

    And I totally sympathize with what you're going through.  Unfortunately many of your experiences are all too common with quitting smoking.  I've read it somewhere about a rule of 3's - the 3rd day, the 3rd week, and the 3rd month are the most difficult.  For differing reasons, this was quite true in my case as well.  By the third week, yes the nicotine was gone, but I was struggling trying to figure out what else to do other than smoke.  I caught myself wandering aimlessly quite a few times.  One day, about the end of week four, I wandered into a gym and got my first ever membership.  I quickly found a new passion, and a new direction, to a healthier me.  The gym worked for me, but it might not be for you.  But I do suggest you actively seek a new hobby, routine, etc. to re-define yourself as a non-smoker.  It's weird how spending energy creates new energy.

    And as for the Rule of 3's - I logged on last weekend and noticed that I had been quit 333 days.  I smiled to myself and pondered that these are the best 3's ever.  Colla27, stick with it and I'm sure you'll agree as well.
  4. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    22 Jan 2019
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    Good afternoon my fellow community members,

    I am so happy to see the communal support and empathy we share with one another.
    I would like to reiterate the congratulations to Colla27 - you have knocked down 20 days smoke-free!
    It is crazy how the body works, and how some things take longer to adjust than others. It is great to hear that you've seen some positives, but understandably frustrated that running and being active is a bit of a struggle. Don't be too hard on yourself...your body is still adjusting to how to function and cope without those chemicals you were getting from cigarettes. Take it baby steps (or baby runs) with your physical activity and slowly build up.  Efreeman75 made some great points on trying to find a new passion. Embrace your new life style, your new you, and maybe some new hobbies.

    If you haven't done so already, remember to sign up for our First Week Challenge Contest for the chance to win $500 for your amazing work in quitting! You are still eligible to enter within the last three months of your quit date! Just scroll up to "QUIT & WIN" at the top of the screen in the grey bar.

    nadia b.

  5. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    22 Jan 2019 in reply to nadia b, quit coach
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    colla27... yes, it's normal such early in your quit, and depending on how addicted you were to the nicotine.  Hang in there and it will pass... drink a lots of water, walk, eat any food you love, don't worry about weight gain it's part of the quit, and you will lose it eventually as you progress into your quit.  Don't forget relapses are part of the quit, you just need to get back to where you left off.  I too quit cold turkey, and it's my third attempt and now I am 833 days into my 3rd quit, with no cravings at all.

5 posts, 0 answered