Forums / My journey / one month

one month

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. sal
    sal avatar
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    one month! my SO still smokes and I still hang out with them all the time. Past times I've tried to quit, I've always let myself off the hook after a few days because nobody would blame me for giving up, since I'm married to a smoker. But other people blaming me or praising me isn't the point of this project. The point is to stop smoking. So I'm not using that as an excuse.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017 in reply to sal
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    Hi Sal

    As you said, get to the Point. Quit Smoking is the best that happened to me, I was more than Married to my habit that I could not see that was killing me, slowly.

    Is so worked to try to quit

  3. onyx
    onyx avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
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    Hi Sal, nice to meet you. :)

    Quitting is tough. We all know that. Quitting when your SO is still smoking is probably one of the toughest things to do. 

    You have a month in. That is awesome! That's the zombie month done. You should be coming out of the Just Quit Fog any time... I bet you're feeling a lot better breathing wise too, and that extra cash in your hand must look quite pretty. Did you give yourself a reward? Make it something you really like - a CD by your favorite band, a specialty coffee or tea (if you drink either of them), a day to yourself, or something else. Rewarding yourself for a job well done is important too, else you won't keep going with your quit as easily. 

    Good luck! We're all rooting for you. :)
  4. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    Hey Sal;

    Glad to hear that you're already through the Zombie Month.  (The first 30 days were definitely among the toughest for me)
    It's been almost 4yrs ago when I quit for good, and my wife agreed to join me in my new smoke-free adventure - but it didn't work out for her, and I was left to handle the process on my own.
    Thankfully, I had the helpful members and staff at SHO to guide me along the way!

    No: I wasn't here to be "praised" or "disciplined" either, but the rock solid advise that I received definitely guided me through my QUIT.  Sometimes, it's those things that seem "simple", like remembering to reward yourself at the completion of each small / large milestone along the way - or someone mentioning those simple healthy distractions that help so much...

    Being married to a smoker doesn't NEED to be the end of your quit, nor a perfectly valid excuse for NOT quitting.  You and I have both proven that - and so have many other members here in the forum!!

    It sounds like you've really got a hold on your QUIT this time, and it doesn't look like you're going to let yourself off the hook without giving it the good 'ole college try!! :)

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim.

    My Milage:

    My Quit Date: 1/27/2014
    Smoke-Free Days: 1402
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 35,050
    Amount Saved: $15,422.00
    Life Gained:

    Days: 218 Hrs: 8 Mins: 54 Seconds: 38

  5. sal
    sal avatar
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    thanks Jim!
  6. sal
    sal avatar
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    "coming out of the just quit fog sounds" very nice. thanks for that thought
  7. paul, quit coach
    paul, quit coach avatar
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    Hi everyone, it's great to see both new familiar 'faces' here on the new site.

    Congratulations on 1 month quit Sal, a very important milestone.

    This thread has some really interesting perspectives, rewarding yourself, and keeping the focus on yourself, not others; whether they be other smokers or people who may or may not always be there to praise you.

    One thing is for sure. If you keep this focus, and get through this one day at a time, you'll get everything you wanted out of this quit, and hopefully much more.

    Take care.
  8. petermac
    petermac avatar
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    03 Dec 2017 in reply to sal
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    Hi  Sal ,  thats the way ,   that all sounds Like Someone I knows , Me   contractions , this time Seeing  as  we have past the 30 days , This time it the two of us, yes Mrs Mac is 10 days Behind me, ,  Yes My Mileage Smoke-Free Days: 51 
    Hav`A Better than Great Day 

  9. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    04 Dec 2017
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    Hi Sal, awesomely!  I want to congratulate you.  Please keep it up.  I have 1 week behind you so i’m Following you.  Carm.
9 posts, 0 answered