Forums / My journey / Quit Date Feb 7, 2016 and still going strong

Quit Date Feb 7, 2016 and still going strong

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. got to
    got to avatar
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    I tried to quit many times, until there was that day of Feb 7, 2016, during a snow storm, I was low on cigarettes and I was going to head to the store during a nasty was at that moment I said enough, flicked that last smoke and saved two in my pack that I still have to this day.  This time the quit stuck.  I just knew I was going to make it this time.  I smoked for 30 years and that smoke was my best friend!  I was retired, I joined a Community Public Health program and got a nurse who I could not fool.  I told only 3 friends I was quitting, cause I always failed, joined the cancer society quit program, locked myself in the house for 3 weeks and let the withdrawal happen.  I was divorced and a mess, my poor cat Wizard, rest his little soul as he was so confused with my crying, anger and crawling the walls.  I went on the patch for 5 months, yes 5 months with slow downgrades.  Fear of weight gain haunted me, yet I was so skinny and looked sick while I was smoking. Ya, I am always battling 10 pounds... but have saved $44,000.00...New York City trip and Florida in the winters was my gift to myself for quitting.  I am no longer controlled by a smoke.  Sure there are the very odd days I could still eat a pack of smokes or just that one drag, but, I always know now that I AM FREE!!!  I think the best is I do not have to plan where to have my next smoke and I do not think about it.   I had such support with this community and thankful that I found it!!!  Just know you can and will quit!  GOT to!
  2. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
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    Hi got to,

    Thank you for sharing a very honest account of your quit journey and congratulations on being smoke free since 2016! What an amazing accomplishment!

    Quitting smoking definitely has its challenges but you persevered, sought out the necessary support and weathered the storm of withdrawal which often times can be the most difficult barrier to quitting. 

    So nice to hear that you have reaped the benefits of living a smoke free lifestyle and have been able to reward yourself with some travel. Congratulations on your freedom!

    Wishing you continued success!

    Warm regards,
    Karen, Quit Coach
  3. cleo
    cleo avatar
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    One word: CONGRATULATIONS!🥳🎉💯
  4. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Hi got to,
    Very good to hear from you!  Congrats on almost 9 years smoke free!  I just want to say your support helped me with my quit that started about 11 months after yours.  Because of your posts I stayed on the patch for 20 weeks and for me, as for you, it was the right thing to do.  I was so ill prepared to quit - tried to cut down b-4 my quit date, succeeded for a bit but soon the wheels fell off and I was pretty much chain smoking until my quit date of January 3, 2017.  I really thought my chances of success were minimal but I joined the the old "SHO" as the forum idiot without a clue what I was doing.  But I received so much info and support that I managed never to have a puff after my quit date - except in my dreams (nightmares)!  Letting you know that you helped me! - & THANK YOU!
4 posts, 0 answered