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Hi Everyone!

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. mjy-w
    mjy-w avatar
    2 posts
    26 Sep 2020
    16 Oct 2020
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    My journey starts today. I know it’s not going to be easy, but feel confident I can slay this beast.
  2. riri woods
    riri woods avatar
    2 posts
    14 Oct 2020
    16 Oct 2020 in reply to mjy-w
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    My journey started yesterday.  2 days without a cig.  We can slay this beast 
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    16 Oct 2020
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    Hi mjy-w and riri woods,

    Welcome to both of you, and congratulations on deciding to quit smoking.  Quitting is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.

    You are right, quitting is not easy, but it CAN be done. 

    Try to avoid triggers, such as hanging out with other people who smoke. 

    Try changing your routines.  For example, when I first quit, I slept in a little later every day, because I didn't need extra time in the morning to have my usual 3 cigarettes before leaving for work.

    Do things to distract yourself.  Go out for a walk, immerse yourself in a good book, try a new recipe.  Anything to keep your mind off of smoking.

    And drink lots of water to help remove the toxins from your body.

    There is one rule to live by, and that is NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).  If you never take another puff, you will be a non-smoker forever.

    Good luck to both of you, and keep posting.  We are here to support you all the way.  You can do this.  Believe in yourself.
3 posts, 0 answered