Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / Using the patch, but think I need something more for the difficult times

Using the patch, but think I need something more for the difficult times

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. alikison
    alikison avatar
    15 posts
    06 May 2018
    14 May 2018
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    I'm using the patch, its been a week, but think I need something more to help with the difficult times, as I have still smoked to get through them.   What would you suggest?
  2. valerie, quit coach
    valerie, quit coach avatar
    46 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    14 May 2018
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    Good morning Alikison, 

    Hope you are doing well this morning.

    I believe you mentioned in your other post that you are currently using the 14mg patch and occasionally smoking throughout the day. There's no harm to look into another NRT like the gum, lozenge, inhaler or mist. When you are considering which one to use think about your lifestyle and how it can best suit your daily activities. 

    Take the time to look at them when you go the pharmacy and speak with the pharmacist to determine the strength and dosage that would be appropriate for you to use.

    Just an additional side note regarding your vivid dreams at night, some people will remove the patch an hour or two before going to bed to have a better night sleep. Is that something your think might work for you? Don't hesitate to call a Quit Coach at Smokers' Helpline if you have more questions: 1-877-513-5333. 

    Does anyone have any suggestions as which NRT worked best for them? 

    Have a great day,

2 posts, 0 answered