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Champ to the rescue

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
    43 posts
    14 Sep 2018
    21 Jun 2019
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    I have tried multiple times to become smoke free and failed. My last resort is now these pills. I feel stressed about continuing to smoke for a week until the medication kicks in. I'm afraid of falling yet again. I'm too old for this now and want to become smoke free for real. Never tried the medication and I'm anxious about my quit date that's coming next Saturday June 29. Don't know what I'll do with myself and stress is a bit trigger along with the routine that allows for it.
  2. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
    47 posts
    18 Jan 2019
    23 Jun 2019 in reply to me_n_freedom
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    Hello me_n_freedom, first of all I want to commend you on your determination to make changes to your smoking! Quitting smoking is a long journey and the process may seem tedious, but you have not failed. You have not quit quitting. You have continued to seek out different ways to help. What you are feeling is normal, especially when you want something to kick in and help right away.

    Remember to take things One Day At A Time (ODAAT). This week is a great time to start planning and getting your tools/resources set in place. For example, identify your triggers and think of what you can do in place of smoking. Having safe items to play with in your hands and mouth (i.e. straws, toothpicks, brushing your teeth after meals, drinking water).

    Check out the 'Distractions' thread in Community Forums if you haven't already. They have some great ideas from fellow members and quit coaches - there is even a post called "A Quit Kit".

    Also, Quit Coaches are here to support you over the phone. We welcome you to give us a call at 1-877-513-5333.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Nadia B.
    Last modified on 23 Jun 2019 20:14 by nadia b, quit coach
2 posts, 0 answered