Forums / Cravings / Morning Craving?

Morning Craving?

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    Tomorrow morning is gonna be my first morning not vaping at all and so far this evening i have been using my Gum to deal with my cravings i guess trying to get a bit of a head start. I stopped smoking cigarettes back in 2017 and have been vaping since thinking it was safer and something that was okay as technically wasnt smoking. Was a very bad illusion. Now tomorrow morning is going to be my first day and was wondering if anyone had any ideas they have tried after you wake up to deal with the very first craving so you can go on your day smoke/vape free. i find in the mornings that sometimes i just wake up and have a craving already, which i think may be particaly just that it is very much engrained in my morning morning and when i wake up and i know that i am not going to be having vaping part of it may just trigger the craving making it 2 times worse, but any suggestions that may help that can try after wake up that can help beat that time of day.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    24 Aug 2019 in reply to tiny2018
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    Hi Tiny

    What works to me in the Morning is the shower and walking I get rid of the crave in the Morning.

     Distraction is key at the time to fight the crave!
     Drink plenty of water! It helps to get clear up the system!
     Do something instead of thinking, use your imagination, must be healthy and Constructive!
    Eat healthy, be active, your body will be grateful and your lungs too!

     Keep the quit! you will win the battle!

     Trust in yourself! 

  3. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    A lot of people find it helpful to change up their morning routine. Brieffree has shared a lot of good ways of doing that. 

    Of course using your nicotine gum to manage and reduce the cravings will be important. 

    Do you remember what worked well for you in 2017 when you quit cigarettes? Perhaps bringing those strategies into this quit would be valuable as well, 

3 posts, 0 answered