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Just set a Quit Date

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. writetodo
    writetodo avatar
    1 posts
    25 Feb 2020
    25 Feb 2020
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    I just set a quit date of March 1st. I am the only smoker in my family  (closet smoker but everyone knows!). I will be traveling with my husband in March and I don't smoke when I am away with family sometimes as long as 3 weeks but always start up again when I get home!  The last time I quit smoking for any length of time (cold turkey) was when I was 30 - decades ago - and I was smoke-free for 14 years but started up again when I began traveling in business - how stupid was that? Thinking I could have "just one" was false confidence and a slippery slope .I am retired now.  My motivation back then was to be smoke-free at least 5 years before I had children who are now on their own.   Now my motivation is serious concerns about my health and of course for my family.  I am not ready to "announce" that I am quitting to my family until I am well on my way - at least 3 months which I know from past experience is when I need a boost of confidence because most non-smokers around you feel like you've already kicked the habit at that point.  I really hope I can do this with support. So wish me luck!.
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    25 Feb 2020 in reply to writetodo
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    Hi writetodo,

    Great planning on your part!

    It is advantageous that you had such a long quit previously, even though you relapsed, because you have more practice living that smoke-free lifestyle. The fact that you are also reflecting back on that relapse will also be helpful for you to plan to avoiding it for this upcoming quit. What are some ways you can set yourself up for success when you get home from your trip?

    Thank you for sharing your reasons for quitting and motivations. Definitely keep those in the forefront of your thoughts.

    We wish you much luck and success


    Jenna Lee
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
    27 Feb 2020
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    Hi writetodo,

    Congratulations on deciding to quit and setting a quit date.  That is wonderful.

    I know you are kicking yourself for relapsing but hey, you are only human and it happens.  I know that I can never have even one puff, or I will become a smoker again.  I live by NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).  At least now you have decided that you want to change your life for the better.

    You should make a list of all of the reasons why you want to quit and keep it somewhere handy so you can read it when the going gets tough.  Drink lots of water, and do things to distract yourself.  And take a look at the information on this site.  Personally, I found it invaluable.

    You quit once before and you can do it again.  Believe in yourself.  I am rooting for you.
  4. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    08 Mar 2018
    29 Feb 2020 in reply to writetodo
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    I’m sending you warm positive thoughts to support your desire to quit smoking. 
    I know it is daunting, and I am rooting for you writetodo!

    I’m on day 726 and it has been NOPE for me - not one puff ever and one day at s time to get to this point. 
    I smoked for nearly 4 decades and each time I started again it had to do with “just one puff.” 
    It was Treepeo on this forum where I heard about NOPE - so even though I’m. To on here often, it has been a source of connection and positive support, because it can be a lonely journey.  Make sure you build 8n celebrations on your milestones. Don’t wait for others. I’m gonna takenmyself out for dinner on March 5, my two-year quit milestone. 
4 posts, 0 answered