Forums / Cravings / Get the monkey off my back

Get the monkey off my back

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. jdaley
    jdaley avatar
    1 posts
    07 Dec 2017
    08 Dec 2017
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    Well it' day 3 of quitting and I'm trying the nicorette gum to help. I miss my smoke breaks with my coffee.  I am trying to sop something I used to really enjoy. I m tryng to do this but can it last forever?
  2. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    216 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    08 Dec 2017 in reply to jdaley
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    Good Morning,

    It can last forever j, but as you've probably noticed on the site, it really is one day at a time. When you are on day 3, it often is one minute at a time. 

    I hope you remember to take in those nice deep breaths to help alongside that gum.

    It is worth it,
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    08 Dec 2017
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    Hi jdaley,

    First of all, congratulations on your first 3 days.  That is terrific!

    Yes, it can last forever, but you have to make that happen.  And I would just like to say that you may think that you enjoy smoking, but the only reason you do is because you are addicted.  We all go through that.  But eventually, you will realize that the "enjoyment" was just an illusion, and you will actually really enjoy NOT smoking.

    Take it from me.  I not only had smoke breaks.  I had snack breaks, meal breaks, phone breaks, happiness breaks, sadness breaks . . . well, you get the picture.  I smoked for every reason possible.  When you quit, you realize how much free time you have that you used to waste on smoking.  

    I found a stop smoking app that I put on my phone.  Now my quit date was December 29, 2016.  And you know what?  To this point, I have regained over 700 hours that I would have spent smoking.  700 HOURS!!!  Doesn't that just slay you?  When we smoke, we simply don't realize how much time we waste.  When we quit, we get all of that time back.

    Hang in there, jdaley.  You can go all the way with your quit.  Just take it one step at a time.
3 posts, 0 answered