Forums / My journey / I quit Feb 7, 2016 Superbowl Sunday and still QUIT!

I quit Feb 7, 2016 Superbowl Sunday and still QUIT!

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  1. got to
    got to avatar
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    Been a while since I have been on here and today I thought lets look at the stats...I love the stats...I have been quit for 1268 days...saved $17,752.00...(went towards buying a sand beach on Lake Superior along with a trip to New York Times Square as a reward on my first year of my quit)...And! on that trip I managed a 5.5 hour train ride without a thought of a cigarette and all through my trip to New York I was with non smokers and now I was one of them!  I have saved the environment of 38,040 butts that I flicked.  It was a long haul but the pay off is worth it. There are days that I could eat a pack of smokes...but the thought now goes as soon as I think of it.  I have tried to quit many a time however that Superbowl Sunday.... I knew this quit was the one that was going to stick.  I was a heavy smoker and my god it was hard, that seduction, my toxic friend, my ritual routine with that smoke and of course the dependence to nicotine that got the dopamine flowing in my brain.  There are a million ways to quit and a million reasons why I did not want to quit.  OMG what if I gain weight...I did 10 pounds,  what if my anger that I was supressing with the smoke got out of control and I lost it on someone...that did not happen  if anything I was not as angry at myself any longer for smoking....what if someone sees me just losing it and how embarrassed I would be...I locked myself in my house for the first 2 cat was with me and he survived, he is now 19...I joined the Public Health program for the 26 week quit program....helped being accountable to a nurse that I saw every 2 weeks, she was tough, could not fool her...I was on the patch for almost 6 months.  I had to break the love affair with the smoke and the physical dependence...It is a two fold process.  Just wait for that craving the pass.  My whole life and routine changed for the new journey and the sparkle is back in my eyes!!!!  
    I am still on that ride!  Mother Joe and I still keep in touch, she is still on the quit also!!!! Hello to my group on here for our quit back 3 yrs ago...GOT To...... Rockin my Quit! 
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi got to,

    It's wonderful to hear from you again!  So glad to hear that you have kept your quit.  What an accomplishment!  And Mother Joe, too.  Awesome!

    I quit December 29, 2016 and that was it for me.  I never went back to it.  I remember reading your posts and telling myself that I could do it.  I chose to quit cold turkey, and it was pretty hellish for a while.  I remember crying for two straight days at the end of the first month.  But I held on, and it started to get better.

    Now, like you, I can travel without having to deal with cravings.  I remember my first trip, wandering around the airport, having a bite to eat, and realizing that I was totally relaxed, with no throbbing lungs to deal with.  Oh, the freedom!

    You, me, Mother Joe, all three of us non-smokers still.  Who woulda thunk it?  Good on us!
  3. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    02 Aug 2019 in reply to got to
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    The stats are out of this world - I am so happy you rewarded yourself in such an epic way. Thank you for sharing so much about your quit, especially your thought process. So many people we talk to know reasons why they should quit, but are so afraid what "might" happen during the quit process, and the withdrawal symptoms they may or may not endure. It is stressful and overwhelming, but you were able to find a way to avoid situations that could possibly embarrass you. You took time for yourself...just you and your cats. Weight will come and go, but you only live once. Quitting smoking was one of the best things you've done for your health, and now the rewards are immense!
    Keep up the amazing work!!!! Got To - you GOT THIS!

    Wishing you continued success,

    Nadia B.
  4. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    09 Aug 2019 in reply to nadia b, quit coach
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    Amazing!! Keep it up!
4 posts, 0 answered