Forums / The day to day / I plan to quit nicotine on Friday.

I plan to quit nicotine on Friday.

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. gomez
    gomez avatar
    9 posts
    29 Nov 2019
    01 Dec 2019
    Link to this post
    I have been smoke free for some years, but I've always
    Had a nicotine replacement therapy. This time around
    I will quit nicotine for good. I gradually dimished the
    Amount of quickmist (spray) I take every day. I have some coping strategies
    But I'm not looking forward to the first week of
    Withdrawal and cravings.
  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
    117 posts
    16 Jul 2018
    01 Dec 2019 in reply to gomez
    Link to this post
    Hello Gomez,

    Congratulations on being smoke free for a few years! This is a big accomplishment! You must feel great.

    Yes it is understandable that you would like to quit using the quickmist spray. Please reduce it gradually and reach out to your doctor and pharmacist if needed.

    Please let us know how you are doing.

2 posts, 0 answered