Forums / Suggestions and technical issues / [SUCCESS, mostly] Outage Notice: Evening of Monday, November 5, 2018

[SUCCESS, mostly] Outage Notice: Evening of Monday, November 5, 2018

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Hello everyone,

    Due to a mandatory infrastructure upgrade from Microsoft, will be offline for several hours beginning around 9pm Eastern Time on Monday, November 5. We have been told to expect a roughly 12 hour outage, though it may be less.

    We apologize for this disruption, and thank you for your patience.

    As always, if you experience any odd behaviour from the site before or after the upgrade, please let us know ASAP.


    -Kyle and the team

    EDITED: 9PM not 3PM
    EDIT 2: Rescheduled to Oct. 26th
    EDIT 3: Rescheduled again. Really. Nov 2.
    EDIT 4: Rescheduled AGAIN. Nov. 5.
    Last modified on 05 Nov 2018 14:40 by kyle @ smokers helpline
  2. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Hey everyone,

    We're back and a quick test on our end shows everything fully operational.

    If you are experiencing anything odd, please let us know ASAP.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding.

  3. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Hello again,

    Now that everyone is back in the office, I've been told that while the site returned from the outage successfully, Microsoft was unable to successfully upgrade our infrastructure. We are following up with them to better understand the issue, and have rescheduled the upgrade for the evening of October 26th. I have edited the top post to reflect this change. 

    Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

  4. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Well, here's hoping the third time is the charm, because Microsoft failed to upgrade successfully again, so one more reschedule to work it out manually, step by step this Friday. Again, sorry for the outage and let us know if the site flips upside-down on Saturday.

  5. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    So much for the third time charm thing. Microsoft is now committed to deploying the update TONIGHT, so keep your fingers crossed. Again, sorry. 

  6. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
    84 posts
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    06 Nov 2018
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    FINALLY, our upgrade has completed successfully. We are chasing down bugs with Google and Microsoft social logins, and I will update as soon as they're squashed. Otherwise, all seems to be functioning normally.

    If you see anything acting oddly, please let us know.

6 posts, 0 answered