Forums / My journey / One Day At A Time: NOPE

One Day At A Time: NOPE

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. aurora
    aurora avatar
    94 posts
    08 Mar 2018
    28 Feb 2020
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    Hello Community! 

    I haven't been posting much this year, but I am happy to be posting today celebrating day 725 of NOPE: Not One Puff Ever!

    Since I started smoking let's see - nearly 40 years ago, I have never achieved 725 days of NOPE. For me, it is a very big accomplishment and a contribution to mine and others lives in numerous ways.

    I feel great, walk more, and prioritize self care more routinely. 

    What would I attribute to my successful NOPE so far? 
    A lot of it is experience with quitting and then starting again. It became a long and painful cycle for me as the struggle to quit each time was more and more difficult, and took longer and longer to muster up the enormous amount of mental energy and commitment it takes to think of quitting, set a date, then follow through.

    It took me a year to quit the last time, and I focus on NOPE in each moment where a craving, or a memory, or an actual person or situation, or a video of someone smoking might spark a familiar pull. For me, I've avoided resistance or exercising will.  Instead, I celebrate freedom and life, and commitment to myself. I have to really love myself, and cultivate that, nourish that in tangible actions. 

    These elements have been in the mix resulting in success so far: 
    *One day at a time
    *NOPE - Not One Puff Ever (this is one of the main reasons that I have started after periods of no smoking. Having a puff here and there). 
    *Self love

    Peace Everyone and Rock the Quit!  

  2. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Aurora,

    What comes through so strongly in your post, is how well and balanced you are in your health and life.  You are more physically active and making you a priority. It is far too easy to be side tracked away from healthy living but you are proof that change can happen and can "stick".

    Your philosophy and approach have held steady for 725 days.

    That is so wonderful aurora, thank you so much for the inspiration this brings to us and the members!

  3. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    07 Mar 2020 in reply to aurora
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    Congratulations on your quit time aurora. You are an inspiration. I really liked what you shared on your struggles to quit and how you succeeded. Really good reminders for me. Wishing you a wonderful quit journey, one day at a time.

  4. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi aurora,

    Congratulations!  Way to go!  I could feel the positive vibes coming from your post.

    NOPE has to be our motto for the rest of our lives.  If we never take a puff, we will stay non-smokers forever.

    You are rocking your quit, aurora!  Enjoy the freedom!
  5. want2livelong
    want2livelong avatar
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    21 Mar 2020
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    Wow Aurora!
    That is such a heartfelt post. I thank you for sharing. I agree with you 100% about learning how to love oneself and mindfully live each day in healthier ways. You should be so incredibly proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.
5 posts, 0 answered