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Another good reason to quit....

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    17 Mar 2020
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    With all the disruptions with Covid-19 I was talking to a friend about his plan to quit smoking and a few things came up that I thought to share:

    -If you quit there is no more smokers cough so less people looking at you suspiciously as an infected person. 
    -Apparently you are more at risk of a bad reaction to Covid-19's respiratory effects with impaired lung function and health issues from smoking.  
    -If you get quarantined it would suck to not be able to go out and buy smokes and have to go through an 'unplanned' quit. Better to quit with a plan and do it with any NRT's or aids. 

  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    17 Mar 2020 in reply to atp
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    atp...LOVE THIS

    I am sorry this is happening in the world, but if anything positive can come out of this experience, I am all for it.

    Jenna Lee
2 posts, 0 answered