efram, quit coach
244 posts
29 Nov 2017
03 Feb 2020
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Hi khick77,
No worries about spelling! It's not needed to successfully quit smoking, and none of us are perfect after all!
I hope your friend is ok, too. This is a big test for you, and I can tell that you're being a good friend because of how concerned you are.
Because you're feeling stressed, this could be a good time to find some relaxing things to do. For example, you could try taking some deep breaths, going for a walk, or, if you're home, laying down for a bit and listening to some soothing music.
Like ATP mentioned, smoking didn't actually help anything to get better; it's just an old habit that you're breaking now, each and every day. Part of learning how to be a non-smoker for you will include learning other ways to cope with stress.
I think if you're able to get through today without slipping you're going to feel even stronger!
Hope this helps,