Forums / The day to day / Been struggling

Been struggling

40 posts, 0 answered
  1. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Khick77, it's so fantastic to hear that you were able to find the strength and conviction to stick with quitting smoking, in spite of the challenges of last week. Congratulations! Cleaning and cooking were smart ideas to take away the boredom.

    It must be a relief that your friend is doing better. I hope he's able to come home today, and if not today, then very soon! Thank you for keeping us posted.

    Brieffree, I also like what you said; quitting is a choice to change our future!

  2. khick77
    khick77 avatar
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    21 Dec 2019
    10 Feb 2020 in reply to brieffree
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    No one is pushing me to stay but I have to stay I don't have a place to live right now plus my friend needs someone to help him with everything when he comes home cause of his strokes he been smoke free for a week and 2 days I am so proud of him where he was a 2 pack a day smoker we have no more tobacco and tubes and no money to get any we both have no disair to have a smoke 
  3. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Khick77, I agree with efram,  it’s amazing the strength you showed in sticking with your quit, considering all the extra stress you were under! Heck quitting an addiction like smoking is stressful enough, never mind having extra stressors like you had last week, so hats off to you for hanging in there with your quit. Quitting smoking is hard work & you are doing it!!!!!!
  4. khick77
    khick77 avatar
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    Today is a struggle for my friend and myself. I know that I will be a month soon but it is hard seeing people smoking. Then I started to think that I would have to be outside for a smoke to and then the pain would start if I started back up. I like the not pain part of not smoking then when people comes in that when the cravings start up again.
  5. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hang in there, it is definitely hard to see other people smoking when you have quit & are struggling to stay quit! On the positive side you now have your friend who has quit too & the two of you can support each other!
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    20 Feb 2020 in reply to wandam
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    Hi Khick77,

    First, I want to congratulate you on staying smoke free.  Way to go!  You have been under tremendous pressure but you stayed strong.  That takes guts and determination, and you should be really proud of yourself.

    We are always going to have stress in our lives.  What we have to do is to learn to cope with stress without smoking.  That becomes easier as time goes on.

    I know you care a great deal about your friend.  Your friend must remain smoke free.  Think about it.  Is it really worth it to light up a cigarette when that same cigarette can cause another stroke?  Honestly, all of us smokers put ourselves at such great risk and for what?  A stupid cancer stick?  Surely we are all better than that.

    So far your friend has remained smoke free, but that may change when he comes home.  So just be prepared.  No matter what anyone else does, YOUR quit is your responsibility.  You owe it to yourself to remain smoke free no matter what.  So be good to yourself, Khick77.  You deserve to lead a smoke free life.  And I am rooting for you.
  7. khick77
    khick77 avatar
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    24 Feb 2020 in reply to brieffree
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    Will it is a month now when I did that call this morning I could not hear well to do that serve when you called me I have not been smoking at all sometimes I do want to smoke when I smell or see someone who is smoking but I am not giving in. And I don't want to go back smoking. Where I go threw the day there is lots of people and noise so I can't go speaker phone. Still have lots of stress trying to find a place for myself.
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    24 Feb 2020 in reply to khick77
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    Hi Khick77,

    It is so encouraging to see you say that you don't want to start smoking again, even with all the stress and other temptations like other smokers around you.

    Hope you are finding ways to manage your stress in a healthy way.


    Jenna Lee
  9. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Big congrats on being 1 month smoke free! Despite all that you have been going through you have been pushing along with your quit, good job!
  10. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi Khick77,

    WooHoo, one whole month smoke free!  Congratulations!
40 posts, 0 answered