Forums / The day to day / I DID IT!!!


7 posts, 0 answered
  1. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
    11 posts
    31 Jan 2021
    29 Mar 2021
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    I just achieved a small goal! I beat my most recent quit of 3 and a half weeks by going 4 weeks smoke-free!! YAY!!! My next goal? Beating a previous quit dating back 11 years when I lasted 3 months without a smoke. I have to admit that the past 4 weeks haven't been easy.I n the last 12 months I've gone from smoking 3 packs a day to smoking 1 pack a day to smoking none and I have covid-19 to thank for scaring the hell out of me enough to want to make this  happen!! I'm bound and determined to be smoke free for day at a time, one craving at a time!!! For all those who are going through this, don't give up! You can do it!!!
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Phoenix, 

    Huge congratulations to you on 4 weeks smoke free!! 

    That's a big milestone and even bigger that you have now surpassed your most recent quit.

    It sounds like you made a lot of changes to really prepare yourself and are very determined to continue in your smoke free life. 

    Wishing you all the best, 
  3. lesleyaf
    lesleyaf avatar
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    31 Mar 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi Phoenix,
    Wow, congratulations on the 4 week milestone! What an accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself.  It's definitely not easy but we can do it like so many others have before us.
    There are definitely times that I feel like giving up but I know one puff will lead to me being a smoker again.  
    Congratulations again! 
  4. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    01 Apr 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi Phoenix, 

    Right on in celebrating 4 weeks/1 month, that’s a big milestone in your quit journey, keep up the great work, it’s a hard addiction to quit but we are doing it! I can relate to smoking lots, I smoked a pack a day most of my life & when you smoke like that it is super hard to let go of an addiction that dominated your life so much, but now we are freeing ourselves from this awful addiction! Keep rocking your quit! 
    Last modified on 01 Apr 2021 10:53 by wandam
  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Congrats.  Four weeks is a HUGE accomplishment!  Every hour of every day is another step closer to the ultimate goal.  Stay proud, and thanks for sharing and celebrating with us.
  6. angie08
    angie08 avatar
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    15 Jul 2021
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    congrats!! I start day 1 tomorrow, anxious but excited!
  7. anser
    anser avatar
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    30 Nov 2017
    04 Oct 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi Phenix

    Wow Congratulations, I think I remember you from way back when, you are doing fantastic I'm Anser and smoke free for over 12 or 13 years I don't remember anymore, it feels so good to be smoke free, you can do this!! all the best to you 

7 posts, 0 answered