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I need to better myself and my family

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. easyb
    easyb avatar
    2 posts
    09 Sep 2022
    08 Sep 2022
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    I’m just in a funk in my life. I want to be better! I want to be healthy! I want to live and see my kids and grand kids grow up. I WANT TO HAVE ENERGY! As I write this I’m smoking, and smoking is the first major hurdle to change all those things. I want to be better!!! I’m slowly killing myself everyday, and it’s not just a feeling of possible. It’s happening and I feel it in my body, I’m dying. I HAVE TO MAKE A CHANGE. It’s just so hard I can’t seem to just keep a cigarette out of my mouth. That’s all I have to do ugh. I know I’ll be so proud of myself and my kids will to. I need to change. I need help. I don’t want to be the person I am right now. I want to be healthy and energized. I made this thread in hopes someone out there relates. Maybe they respond and we can chat and support each other. 
  2. mrs k
    mrs k avatar
    1 posts
    26 Oct 2020
    26 Sep 2022
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    Hi easyb,

    i know exactly how you feel. I am in the same position as you right now. I know it’s time to make a change, I know it’s time to stop. I’ve been poisoning myself for more than 14 years. I feel horrible when I wake up in the morning. I smell terrible, my clothes have burns in them, my fingers are stained (inside of my teeth too), it’s killing me. It’s a horrible addiction and perhaps just like you, I wish I never started this awful suicide mission. 

    it’s great that you recognise that it’s time to make a change. That is certainly the first step. I hope you find your way, I hope you make this change. I am on here looking for support myself, as I would like to embark on a healthier way of living. An actual way of living. 

    I support you. 
  3. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    26 Sep 2022
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    I smoked for 30 years. I tried to quit so many times. It was damn hard.
    Best thing I ever did though was come here looking for help. I posted like mad at the beginning since that helped me.
    Do the Quit Plan (find it right at the top of this site) I mean really do it. Think about it and write it out and print it.
    Find a motivation. I spent a lot of time online looking up benefits of quitting smoking - 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc. It really gave me something to look forward to in my quit.
    I've not been around as much of late, but I will check in daily for next bit to see if either of you two have questions or need some support.

3 posts, 0 answered