255 posts
06 Feb 2020
20 Feb 2020
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Hi kit,
I was shut out of the system for a couple of months, so I am just catching up on your posts. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are rocking your quit! You should be so proud of yourself, kit. The fact that you couldn't get in to this system for a few weeks and you still held on is amazing! Kit,, I lived on this site. I logged on first thing in the morning, and sometimes I was even a bit late leaving for work but I said, I don't care, my quit is more important than my job right now. And thankfully my boss was completely supportive because he wanted me to quit for years. And now, I have three whole years under my belt. And honestly, I couldn't have done it without the Smoker's Helpline.
So glad to hear you have felt a shift. That is an important step in the process, because you are starting to adjust to being a non-smoker. And yes, isn't it great not to reek of smoke, or to worry about having smoke breath? Honestly, I gained so much confidence when I quit, because when people stopped to talk to me unexpectedly, I no longer had to worry about my nasty breath. I used to be the queen of Listerine breath strips and never went anywhere without them. And still I reeked. You just do when you are a smoker.
And kit, your body is thanking you for quitting. It truly is. As a non-smoker, your body absorbs way more nutrients from food. I think I read somewhere that a smoker needs to ingest 3x more Vitamin C than a non-smoker. So I imagine that applies to every other vitamin and mineral. Now, you are getting the full benefit of the foods you eat. Cool, eh?
I am so happy for you, kit. Try to relax and enjoy the benefits of being a non-smoker. At some point, it will just become second nature.