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Sadness after two weeks.

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. pxp
    pxp avatar
    4 posts
    25 Nov 2019
    24 Nov 2019
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    I quit smoking after 18 years. I am now two weeks in. This is not my first time. I tend to quit every time it gets hard for me to breath. Usually between a month in three months. I once quit for more than two years. I generally have very little cravings, and I enjoy the prosses. This time though, something clicked in me, and I feel that I'm ready to quit for good. The problem is that I feel very sad at times. This happens usually in the evening, when I am looking for a little upper (nicotine), and can't have it, because I decided to quit.
    I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? And if so, how long till it passes?

    Thanks a lot.
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    24 Nov 2019 in reply to pxp
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    Hi pxp,

    First of all, congratulations on two weeks!

    I know exactly what you're talking about regarding feeling sad. Smoking had been such a huge part of my identity and I went through a period of depression/mourning when I quit.

    When I felt the sadness start, I tried to switch my focus to "learning" something ... anything. Our brains produce dopamine naturally when we learn something new... something nicotine did for us for years. This really helped me and those feelings of sadness started to go away at around four weeks.

    You said something clicked in you, and you felt this was your time to quit. Hang onto that and keep moving forward!
  3. gomez
    gomez avatar
    9 posts
    29 Nov 2019
    02 Dec 2019 in reply to pxp
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    I'm not there yet, but I remember not getting enough happiness on a previous attempt. I will bring watch tv and meditate. You may find this useful.
3 posts, 0 answered