168 posts
12 Aug 2019
07 Oct 2019
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Hi again grannef :)
I understand your hesitancy with using, and perhaps becoming dependent on NRT to help you quit. I tried the patch several years ago as well, and the dreams were insanity. This time, I tried to go cold turkey as I didn't want the dreams, nor did I want to become dependent. I only lasted five days and I must tell you, the feelings I had were overwhelming.
I spoke to both my family doctor as well as my neighbourhood pharmacist and here's what we decided.
I am using the patch to allow me to deal with my emotional dependency on smoking. I take it off about 1/2 hour before bed and replace a new one in the morning. I'm not sure what your smoking habit were (don't you love that we get to say "were"!), but I never woke in the night to have a cigarette, and therefore sleeping with the patch wasn't necessary. And I have not had any crazy dreams this time around.
I'm getting more comfortable with my quit and plan to start the process of getting off the patch. But for me, NOT smoking is my only motive right now. And if I can deal with that, I can deal with eventually removing the patch permanently.
One other thing I would suggest is finding some additional "emotional" support as you have mentioned a few times you are not getting this from your husband. My husband has been my cheerleader and there is nothing he won't do to support me. But please know that even with his support, quitting is something I'm doing for me. Perhaps there is a support group you can join (live vs. online), or maybe a close friend??
Hopefully, one of the coaches will respond to your post and offer you some additional advice
We all have different methods, and I say, whatever works for you, do it!