Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / Have you tried Cystisine / Cravv?

Have you tried Cystisine / Cravv?

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  1. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    If you've tried Cytisine, how did it work for you?

    In case you haven't heard of it, Cytisine is the newest product to be approved by Health Canada for use in smoking cessation. In Canada it's marketed as "Cravv," and comes in capsule form as a natural health product. It's an alkaloid that naturally occurs in several plants and helps to reduce cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and lessen the satisfaction from smoking. 

    Potential advantages: it doesn't require a prescription; the cost is low compared with other cessation aids, and it's a shorter course of therapy (25 days). Some may also like that it doesn't contain nicotine.

    Potential drawbacks: a higher chance of side effects compared with nicotine replacement therapy (common side effects are nausea, vomiting, and sleep disorders).

    So far I haven't talked with many people who've tried it, and it'd be interesting to hear more about people's experiences!


  2. quit2019
    quit2019 avatar
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    I used crave this spring and it did help me quit. However during the treatment I suffered a cardiovascular event and the a cerebral vascular event ten days later. It has not been determined to be the cause but I thought I should share. 
  3. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi quit2019,

    Thanks for sharing. I'm glad that it helped you quit, but that's scary to hear about your cardiovascular and cerebral vascular events. I hope that you're doing well now and that your health team can help you to determine what the cause was so that it doesn't happen again!

  4. wastiredofsmoking
    wastiredofsmoking avatar
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    I have been smoking for over 40 years and developed COPD then emphysema as a result of long term smoking (thanks tobacco industry).  With COVID now a possibility for anyone to get, it will be rough on all smokers and especially those with upper respiratory illnesses  Throughout my lifetime, I had tried every options but unsuccessful due to either side effects or just that they did not work.  Those included Nicoderm patches, inhaler, Thrive, pharmaceuticals like Zyban and Champax to mention a few. 

    Hospital told me about CRAVV when I went in for a lung xray and knew I had to try it.  MADE IN CANADA and a natural product,  What did I have to loose except the cost of one bottle.  Much cheaper than smoking during the 25 days and less expensive than the other products.  
    It does say it can take up to 5 days to wean off smoking, but it was almost immediate; first day taking CRAVV I had no craving for cigarettes.  No side effects and just a ting of withdrawal that might come up once or twice a day and last for a few seconds.   Very easy to overcome.
    Where has this product been and why has it not been advertised more aggressively and readily available at pharmacies along side Nicoderm and other smoking aids? Any product may work for some, but not for everyone.  We are all different.  (I read on internet that it has been available in Europe for 40 years.)

    I've completed the 25 days and have been smoke free for almost a month now and hope I can and will maintain it.  I keep count of all the money I am saving as an incentive to forge ahead,  But more important are the health benefits.  I no longer cough, wheeze, run out of breath and stink like  nasty stale tobacco.  I haven't needed my inhalers much and hope I can stop those and save myself an additional $100/mth.  Bonus!

    This was probably the best time and the worst time to quite smoking.  Stress of the pandemic would generally motives smokers to smoke more, yet I knew I had to quit immediately in case I got the virus.   
    Good luck to all of you who decide to try it after reading this post.  I will keep an eye on this forum to see if any have been inspired.  
  5. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi wastiredofsmoking,

    Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations on being smoke-free for nearly a month! You have so much incentive to continue to forge ahead, especially now that you're finding so many improvements to your health and wealth.  

    It's interesting to hear how immediate the effects of Cravv were. I'm going to guess, that said, that a large part of your success has been due to you not giving up after previous efforts, and having the mind-set that smoking is no longer an option! 

    I know what you mean about the best time/worst time to quit, but am glad you decided to go for it in spite of the challenges, and found a product that worked well for you. I hope you give some extra inspiration for others to quit, whether it be with Cravv or another method; the important thing is to do it! 
  6. supermario
    supermario avatar
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    Hi I have used Cravv and I found it very helpful. I have been smoke free since January 7, 2021. I found it to be better than Champix. The only side effect was with my sleep, the Cravv affected my sleep. It went away though, and I am fine now. I don't understand why they don't promote the product more.
  7. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi supermario, 

    Congratulations on finding a method that works for you! On May 7 you will be celebrating 4 months of being smoke free! I don’t know much about Cravv but it definitely got you quit & that’s the main thing! Keep up the great work!
  8. sunshinepage
    sunshinepage avatar
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    Hello -I've been thinking about trying Cravv. I'm a bit scared regarding the side effects specifically sleep disturbance and anxiety. Anyone able to share their experience that can relate to these side effects?
  9. smokin'not
    smokin'not avatar
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    I quit in 2019 using Cravv - worked perfect! Patches give me nightmares and the gum burns my mouth, so they don't work for me. After the first 5 days taking Cravv, I  wasn't smoking at all. Then I started smoking again during the pandemic. Now I'm back on the Cravv - day 3, only had 4 smokes since starting the pills. I am hopeful it will work again. Then to stay stopped, because this is ridiculous.
  10. rhondaaa
    rhondaaa avatar
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    after 5 days i could  not sleep until 5 am and taking 3 x more sleep medication than i normally do. it through me right off. I have also suffered terrible headache and stopping it
  11. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello rhondaaa - sorry to hear you had such side effects. If possible, follow up with your pharmacist or health care professional to let them know how you're feeling.
    Take care
  12. jenniferb8512
    jenniferb8512 avatar
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    Hi.  I’m new to the community but not new to trying to quit.  I’m planning on starting on Cravv on Oct 15. I’ve tried Champix 3 times and was quit for 4 months before the pandemic hit but the stress of that got me smoking again.  It’s my understanding that Cravv works the same way as Champix in blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain.  I’m spending the next 2 weeks cutting down on my smoking with the help of gum and trying to change my routines and patterns.
  13. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Jenniferb8512, 

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline. It's so nice to have you. 

    Congratulations on starting your journey with quitting. It sounds like you have given this a lot of thought and have some really great plans in place to help you prepare. 

  14. joselurdeskiala
    joselurdeskiala avatar
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    Champix without a prescription - I smoked for 40 years & had never really tried to stop, but as I was getting older & becoming more health conscious I thought I really need to try & give up the cigarettes. I started with the champix, set my date & off I went, almost 6 years later I am a non smoker & even detest the smell of it. I had no side effects what so ever, I love not being a slave to smoking anymore.
    Last modified on 20 Mar 2023 02:45 by joselurdeskiala
  15. born to quit
    born to quit avatar
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    I was a smoker for over 60 years. In 2022 I had hip replacement surgery and was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had immuno therapy  combined with chemo therapy. I was then scheduled for a lobectomy. My thoracic surgeon stated that he was reluctant to do the surgery if I didn't quit smoking. I had tried to quit many times before using nicotine replacement but with no success. I had to find something different. I came across Cravv. For the low cost, I decided to try it. After a few days I started to experience some insomnia but decided to continue with the regimen, 10 days after starting Cravv , I quit!  On March 23 of this year, it will be 1 yr since I quit. Thank you CRAVV!!!!!
  16. amandad12
    amandad12 avatar
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    has anyone tried the CRAVV for quitting vaping? any success? i currently vape and smoke trying to get off both completely
16 posts, 0 answered