Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / Jaw Pain from gum

Jaw Pain from gum

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. gnomemoresmokes
    gnomemoresmokes avatar
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    I tried gum alone and it didn't work so on my third attempt to quit I tried combo therapy with the patch (14mg)has been very successful. Unfortunately I am experiencing ear and jaw Pain which my GP during a phone consult said is probably from the nicotine gum because  my ear isn't red on the outside. I switched to spray  but the jaw anddd ear pain still won'tt go away
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi gnomemoresmokes,

    I'm sorry to hear about the ear and jaw pain you are experiencing. Sometimes it is trial and error when it comes to finding what works to manage the cravings and what agrees with your body. 

    It does sound like the pain is continuing despite having switched to the spray instead of the gum. Do you think you would like to reach out to your doctor again to discuss?

    Wishing you all the best,
  3. rperkins426
    rperkins426 avatar
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    Last modified on 07 Jan 2022 14:12 by rperkins426
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    You must have been chewing the gum like no ones business... I get that jaw pain from regular gum so I can imagine how painful it is. Maybe stop using the gum and try the mist spray instead. Im using the patch and the spray and so far so good. Good luck with it all... keep up the work.
4 posts, 0 answered