Forums / Welcome / 3 weeks :)

3 weeks :)

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. lisa marie 67
    lisa marie 67 avatar
    26 posts
    08 Mar 2020
    30 Mar 2020
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    I am about to go into my third week tomorrow. What I have been doing to cope with habit cravings is to tell myself this

    I tell myself that  I can still do those's things such as   have a coffee    I just cant smoke while doing that or I can still talk on the phone   I just cant smoke while doing that,. ect..I guess this is where the strong discipline has to be in order.
    Well, I am still here, still hanging in, and still so appreciated to these community forums.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    31 Mar 2020
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    Hi Lisa

    It sounds great, 3 weeks in the bag, an other day, you got this!
    One day at the time! we conquer our dreams!
2 posts, 0 answered