Forums / Welcome / 4 months smoke free

4 months smoke free

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. lukinater
    lukinater avatar
    1 posts
    15 Oct 2019
    05 Jan 2020
    Link to this post
    Hi everyone. Just wanted to share my experience of being smoke free for 4 months. I've been having alot of headaches that come and go and weird aches and sensations in my arms, feet, legs over the last few days all of which comes and goes. Is this something anyone has experienced after 4 months of quitting or is it something else I should worry about. I've been super paranoid about my health ever since quitting and always feel like I have a terrible disease whenever I get these pains. When I was a smoker I never had any pain or sensations. Any advice would be appreciated!
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    05 Jan 2020 in reply to lukinater
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    Hi lukinater,

    First of all, congratulations on 4 months being smoke-free!

    Sometimes people get headaches and, due to better circulation after quitting, may have an increase in sensations in their extremities. However,  'pain' is not a "typical" withdrawal symptoms.

    If these sensations are a concern for you, as it seems they are, please make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

2 posts, 0 answered