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Fingers crossed!

12 posts, 1 answered
  1. zenbevi
    zenbevi avatar
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    Hi all! It’s been 4 days since my last cigarette. This is my 2nd time quitting. I’ve been A Pack a day smoker for 25 years. This is the first day the cravings have been intense. Just ordered a ton of sushi to tide me over! Lots of deep breathing. How long does the insomnia last for most people? I’m SO tired. 
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    02 Feb 2019 in reply to zenbevi
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    Just think - you've been smoke free for 4 whole days! This is an accomplishment. Your body is working overtime right now trying to heal itself and get used to not having that nicotine. Next time you go up a flight of stairs take note of how you feel - notice any improvement in your breathing/heart rate?

    Restlessness at night subsided for me around the end of the first week (along with the worst of the withdrawal symptoms), after that I found I was actually sleeping more (wanting naps all the time) for the next week. 

    You are entering into a whole new lifestyle - that of a non-smoker. It is going to take time to get used to not doing all the routine of smoking. It was part of your life for 25 years and was an activity you did from waking to going to bed. So what new activity are you going to find to replace it?
  3. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Zenbevi,

    Along with atp, congratulating you on your 4 day quit from a pack a day smoking.  The cravings can intensify at any given moment.  Your strategy of deep breathing is a good one indeed, grounds you in the moment.  And love of sushi of course.  Atp brought up many valid points.  To add, in reflection, any specific triggers in those moments, feel free to share with us. 

    Hopefully, your insomnia will subside soon, it doesn't typically last past the first week.  Yet if does, you can let your doctor know for more support.  Usually caused by nicotine withdrawal.  If drinking coffee, you can try to reduce your intake, especially after 6pm.

    Have a restful weekend!  

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi zenbevi,

    Congrats on your 4 smoke free days.  That is terrific!  Good for you!

    When I first quit, I could fall asleep.  I just couldn't stay asleep.  I struggled with that for about a month.  But what I did do was try to nap when I could so that I wasn't so exhausted all the time.  I know it's a difficult thing to go through, but it is part of the withdrawal process for many of us.  You may notice other withdrawal symptoms as you go along as well.  You have been smoking for a long time, so your body and mind need time to adjust.  Try to be patient, and keep trying to breath through it.  These symptoms won't last forever.  And what you will find is that slowly but surely, you will feel better and better as time goes on.

    Remember, quitting is worth it.  A little bit of pain for a lifetime of gain.
  5. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi zenbevi,
    Along with everyone else, I'd like to congratulate on your 4 day quit! That's awesome. I am on my 2nd day. First serious time. I do find me sleeping most of the time, drinking green tea, and using the Nicorette Quick Mist which does help with my cravings. The feelings of new are really hard to take but I guess that's what I should be going through. All the wonderful replies above should really help. This site is awesome. Even calling in to a quit coach helps so much. It really helped me. One day at a time. You got this! Keep up the excellent work!

  6. zenbevi
    zenbevi avatar
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    Thanks ATP! I’ll keep that all in mind. My breathing has been easier already, and I’ve had two people tell me I smell good, which I haven’t heard in a while! 
    I’m trying to figure out what to replace smoking with. A smoke was always my reward, or way to transition from one state to another. Trying a nice cup of tea and some good chocolate for reward, and some stretching for the transition.
  7. zenbevi
    zenbevi avatar
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    02 Feb 2019 in reply to marianne, quit coach
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    Thanks Marianne! 

    Glad to hear the insomnia won’t last too long. I’ve cut down on my coffee intake and will start walking once the weather warms up. 
    I am triggered most when I finish work, I usually have a cigarette right away. Also after dinner. I am also triggered by my smoking area, which is a desk and chair right by the back door, so I’m having them removed and redoing the area so it’s not a comfortable smoking spot. 
  8. zenbevi
    zenbevi avatar
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    02 Feb 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    Thanks Treepeo! 

    Great advice about taking naps! I have the same problem, falling asleep easily but waking throughout the night. 
  9. zenbevi
    zenbevi avatar
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    Thanks Laurie, and congrats to you too! Hang in there! Sounds
    like it all gets
    easier after a couple weeks.
  10. success
    success avatar
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    Congratulations zenbevi!!!!!🤗
    I had my last cigarette at 11:59 pm on January 24th, 2019....and went to bed.
    I started using the patch right after I woke up on the 25th.

    I have attempted to quit before, cold turkey. It did not work for me, that was a few years ago.

    This time is my time!  
    That is what I keep telling myself over and over.

    I got this now!  
    I have set up more supports, keep researching more about how my life is going to be better..

    We can do this!  
  11. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi success,

    You are coming up on two weeks now.  Way to go!

    Like you, my friend wimporswim and I both had the feeling that it was our time to quit.  We started our quits and just kept going.

    Sometimes, you just know in your heart that it is time to do it.  It sounds like you are at that point right now.  So keep using the patch, drink water, distract yourself, and think of all the reasons why you want to quit.  Be firm in your resolve.  When you are tempted, just say no.  Remember, what you are doing is extraordinary, it really is.  Quitting smoking is something to be truly proud of.  So hold your head high and do yourself proud.  And discover how wonderful it is to live life as a non-smoker.
  12. success
    success avatar
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    09 Feb 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    Thanks is so cold here, glad I no longer smoke. 
12 posts, 1 answered