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Has anyone tried a Lung Cleanse?

9 posts, 2 answered
  1. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    06 Nov 2018
    06 Nov 2018
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    Hi Any one's experience or thoughts on these are welcomed. thanks
  2. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    06 Nov 2018
    06 Nov 2018 in reply to shazzan
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    I have done a lung cleanse for a week now and i find it helps with the cravings and makes the cigarette taste awful.  My quit date is in 9 days.  Just yesterday i decided to quit smoking and put off that first cigarette.. Victory.. i only smoked 3 cigarettes. Today it will be 5, i admittedly slipped a bit but am still encouraged by my ability to delay.  I am a procrastinator , so maybe that will work in my favour.   (42 years /pack a day.) It would be so awesome to hear from  any one having  advice or experience. 
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    I did a lung cleanse.

    I stopped smoking cigarettes and therefore inhaling the following chemical cocktail:

    Toluene (Industrial Solvent);
    Carbon Monoxide (Car Exhaust);
    Cadmium (Batteries);
    Arsenic (Rat Poison);
    Ammonia (Toilet Cleaner);
    Radon (Radioactive Gas);
    Hexamine (Barbecue Lighter);
    Methane (Sewer Gas);
    Tar (Road Surfaces);
    Acetone (Nail Polish Remover);
    Nicotine (Pesticide);
    Polonium-210 (Radioactive Element);
    Methanol (Rocket Fuel);
    Hydrogen Cyanide (Poison);
    Butane (Lighter Fuel).

    There's about 6,980 more, but my fingers are getting sore from typing.

    Wishing you all the best on your up-coming quit Shazzan.

  4. patricianneahr
    patricianneahr avatar
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    07 Nov 2018 in reply to shazzan
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    HI, congratulations on setting a date, What is a lung cleanse ? :) Thank you 
  5. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    06 Nov 2018
    07 Nov 2018 in reply to patricianneahr
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    You can google lung cleanse and find the recipe of onions, turmeric and ginger. with water./honey.  All the ingredients have proven health benefits. I believe everything in moderation and have taken it for 10 days now. Seems harmless enough. 2 Tbs in morning and again before bed. I swear it helps me with the withdrawl of such a drastic nicotine cutback.(read first thread)   Ginger  is also a remedy for nausea. Between this, drinking lots of water, and a good healthy diet i am feeling great. And of course my breathing has improved whether due to it or not I can't say,  because we all know that we overworked our lungs by smoking (and heart ) and i am smoking a fraction of what i did. BTW.... i have been up now for 8 hours and had a total of 1 cigarette.  I think it is more of a mind over matter issue now. Who knows , i may wake up tomorrow morning and decide to quit right then before i make up the next batch. (my quit date is in 8 days)
    Remember that everyones bodies are different and may react differently)
    I really want to know if anyone has tried this, how it turned out, and whether they had any side affects.  Not smoking will allow the lungs to repair themselves over time.  Did this mixture lessen the desire to smoke,( perhaps by removing the nicotine as well as toxins) as i did not intend to quit. I didn't think i could, but now i know i can. 

  6. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    07 Nov 2018 in reply to efreeman75
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    You are absolutely right efreeman. The lungs are already healing after abstinence. The body can take care of itself if we give it what it needs.  ( and stop what it doesn't need )
  7. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hello everyone,

    Lung cleanses at this time has not yet been proven as an effective quit method. However, if you are looking to some healthy ways to increase your vitamins and minerals, always ensure that you speak with your healthcare provider before adding new supplements or minerals to your regimen.

    The great news is that your lungs naturally start to heal only 24hrs after your last cigarette all on their own. You may start to notice coughing up brown/black phlegm after quitting, which is a great sign. If you do not experience this, that is okay too, everyone's bodies are different. 

    Hope this helps,

    Jenna Lee
  8. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    06 Nov 2018
    08 Nov 2018 in reply to shazzan
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    in addition to my above comment , i did find the same recipe on another site and it clearly states that it  helps you to refrain from smoking.  As further testiment , i only had 4 cigarettes yesterday and went for broke today.  ZERO ... I will admit that i swooshed one around the mouth without inhaling (after a craving subsided) just to remember that awful taste. The Lung Institute also has a page of detox smoothies, which use far more of  the above  ingredients in just one smoothie. (not all ingredients in the  same recipe but used at higher levels) So in conclusion , I did make my second batch and will try in in a lower dose and midday if I am having cravings. I have a house to clean , and let things pile up for this special occassion. Busy, busy , busy.... 
  9. aartellle
    aartellle avatar
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    Tried for a week - no difference.
9 posts, 2 answered