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14 posts, 4 answered
  1. nash second try
    nash second try avatar
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    I am new here. This is my second attempt to quit smoking using the smoking help line although I've actually tried to quit smoking numerous times and in a variety of ways. I have not actually set a quit date because I am in the process of setting up an appointment with a counceller to see how he or she recommends that I proceed. But I do have some questions about some cessation aids - specifically the inhalers, mouth sprays and vapourizers. Can anyone tell me the difference between these and what works best? I would appreciate hearing about any experiences you will share with me regarding these things. The patch and the gum didn't help a lot but I do need something to help me quit. Thank you in advance.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Nash

    Congrats in 2 try to quit!

    I s all depend How bad you crave, some people do not need help, other need some Nrt. for a wile to help you keep the quit until you Build Confidence yo keep the quit!

    That is question to your Counselor, Doctor, or Pharmacist

    All the Best to you!
  3. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi nash second try,

    Welcome to! Nice to have you here.

    As brieffree says, everyone is different; some need a lot of support from quit aids, while others do well without.

    Research show that the nicotine replacement therapies you mentioned (inhaler, mouth spray) can double the chance of success for someone who smokes 10 or more cigarettes per day.

    Some people prefer the inhaler as it's shaped like a cigarette (it comes with nicotine cartridges) and gives that familiar hand-to-mouth motion plus nicotine in a safe delivery system; it's meant to be puffed on, not inhaled into the lungs.

    Others prefer the oral spray as it's faster-acting, typically satisfying a craving within a minute or two. Either can help to not only lessen nicotine cravings but to reduce withdrawals as well.

    The jury is still out of the vapourizers; we don't know how effective they are, nor do we know how safe they are to use, though they are believed to be safer than smoking cigarettes at least.

    There's a forum here called "The patch, the gum, the pills" and people have been posting there as well about what they've tried and how it's worked for them.

    Hope this helps ... please keep us posted!

  4. dmr
    dmr avatar
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    Hello Nash and Efram, This is my first day at this site and I just would like to thank you for being here as I understand the task at hand. How are things going for you Nash this time around?
    Last modified on 19 Sep 2018 17:50 by dmr
  5. dmr
    dmr avatar
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    How are things going for you?
  6. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi dmr,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline Online. It's great to have you here as you work on going smoke free.
    I think you'll find the website to be a great source of support and information.

    Do you have any plans on how you will be quitting?

  7. nash second try
    nash second try avatar
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    Thank you for your advice brieffree! I think you must be right. For me I think the mouth spray is the way to go since I am more impulsive than anything else. Anyway I have decided that I have purchased my last package of cigarettes and Friday Sept 21 will be the day I smoke my last cigarette. I will purchase the mouth spray after work and see how it goes from there. Thank you again!
  8. nash second try
    nash second try avatar
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    Thank you very much for your very informative reply to my post efram! I did look at the thread you mentioned but it did not seem to deal with the mouth sprays, inhalers or vaporizers at all. I checked on google but it kept telling me I need a prescription for these things indicating what I was reading was out of date.

    The inhaler doesn't really appeal to me but I think the mouth spray is the way for me to go. A lot of my smoking is impulsive. I have the chance to smoke so that is what I do. Some of it is habit. Something I do every day is smoke half a smoke in the morning when I go downstairs to make the morning coffee. But mostly impulse. So I think if I can just satisfy that impulse then I can actually quit. 

    So I've decided I have bought my last package of cigarettes and will try the mouth spray. I will run out shortly after work Friday and will go to Walmart and buy the spray on my way home. I am so tired of smoking! So I guess Sept 21 is my quit day.

    Wish me luck and success! Thank you again!
  9. nash second try
    nash second try avatar
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    Hello dmr. Things are going fine! I have decided on a quit date of Friday Sept 21 and will formulate a positive action plan tomorrow on my day off regarding the emotional challenges. I have also decided to try the NRT mouth spray. That particular program is designed for 12 weeks but hopefully it won't take that long for me to be off the spray. We'll see anyway! 

    Good luck to you and wish every success for you!
  10. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Nash,

    I'm glad to hear  that the mouth spray is the way for you  to go because it helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms and please note that you do not need a prescription to have it.  I invite you to call the Smokers' Helpline and we will be more than happy to refer you to Community Services for more info about the Spray.

    Now that you have a quit it would be very important to find different ways to cope with the cravings. Some people during the cravings will try to find alternative objects to handle to keep their hands busy. Nash try to find strategies that you know that could help you to cope with your cravings because you know yourself best.

    By having a quit date I understand  that you are tired of smoking !
    Congratulations for having a quit date and remember You can do it!

    Last modified on 23 Sep 2018 09:36 by Quit Coach 2
  11. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Nash - today is the day!! How exciting.

    As for the spray, go for the mint flavour, the wildberry tastes like you're eating potpourri (unless you like eating dried rose petals mixed with mini pinecones).

    Wishing you all the best, E
  12. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi again nash second try,

    Just wanted to wish you and everyone else here success today and beyond! Hopefully all of the planning ahead and added support makes a good difference for you.

    Nash, also wanted to thank you for the feedback regarding the lack of discussion about the nicotine oral spray, inhaler, and vapourizers on "The patch, the gum, the pills" forum ... we'll work to fill that gap!

  13. nash second try
    nash second try avatar
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    I would like to thank everyone for all the info and advice and support! With the mouth spray I'm finding it quite helpful with the cravings although I still have to employ other methods to get my mind off of smoking sometimes and it is only day one but I woke up and gave the rest of my smokes to my son so I haven't had any today! 

    I bought the wild berry before I read the replies here and at first it is pretty nasty stuff! But really so was smoking at first and each time I use it, it is a little better. I will get the mint next time though. It gives me hiccups also. But I am determined and this seems to work the best for me. The trick for me is to keep active. I have a very high energy level so that is not too difficult. I am a little more irritable than usual I think but hopefully that will lessen also. 

    Anyway, thank you everyone and I will see how things go. 
  14. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello nash second try,

    So good to hear the mouth spray is your vice.  Having other methods is important as well, the more the better.  And you have identified that keeping active works the best for you.  The great thing about being active is that you never get bored as such a variety of things to do.  Feel free to share them with us.  And let us know how things are going.  

    All the best to you,

14 posts, 4 answered