Forums / Welcome / I’m new here but started my quit a few years ago

I’m new here but started my quit a few years ago

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. karensymonds
    karensymonds avatar
    2 posts
    08 Jul 2024
    08 Jul
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    Hi All! My first quit 3.5 years ago was from a health scare. I started vaping…ended up with throat problems,  started smoking 1 day (stealing cigs from spouse) which eventually turned into 10 day. 2 years ago I said enough. I went 5 months and then in a bar my spouse left a smoke in ashtray which I took a puff of. That started another round of maybe 1 cigarette but only once a week or every 2 weeks. I was also on patch the whole time, step 3 cut in half. I finally quit that 3 weeks ago. Was feeling free NO NICOTINE a in my body yay!! And then poof had a memory of smoking and it nagged me all day. So I stole another smoke, took about 5 puffs and destroyed it.
    i feel like I’m never going to win this battle. I need a total reset somehow, 
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
    255 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    08 Jul
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    Hi Karensymonds, 

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline Online. It's great to have you here with us. 

    Thank you for sharing your journey in quitting smoking. I can hear that you're very determined and you have some good experience in this. Have you had a chance to read through many of the posts in the chat forums yet? There's some great tips and ideas here. 

    For a lot of people they can also benefit from having some extra support with setting up a quit plan. If you think that might be helpful for you please consider contacting the quitline by calling 1 866 366 3667. 

    Look forward to reading more about your journey!
  3. cleo
    cleo avatar
    15 posts
    02 Sep 2024
    11 Sep
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    Hi Karen 
    How are you making out? I’m on day 3, making it. You CAN do it. I’m here for support. Just because you fell doesn’t mean you can’t get back up & continue the journey. I have faith in you!! 
  4. sheza, quit coach
    sheza, quit coach avatar
    9 posts
    16 Oct 2023
    12 Sep in reply to cleo
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    Hi Cleo, it's so great to see you offering support to Karen! You're absolutely right, slip-ups are a part of the journey, and it's important to keep going. Congrats on reaching Day 3, that’s a huge achievement! Keep up the amazing work! 
4 posts, 0 answered