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I paid $20.38 for my last pack

3 posts, 3 answered
  1. lucy119
    lucy119 avatar
    1 posts
    31 Dec 2021
    03 Jan 2022
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    As a failed quitter I am more determined than ever this time, you see I have quit in the past for as long as 5 years somehow I'm triggered easily by the smell or sometimes thinking just one cigar once in awhile won't hurt I'm hear to tell you it will. I have to get across in my mind I must never smoke anything EVER! even a small slip will ALAWYS lead to a downward spiral to cigarettes. Quitting is never easy no matter how many times you do it.  
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    04 Jan 2022 in reply to lucy119
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    Hi Lucy
    You've come to the right place to help you quit and to help make that quit stick. Im quit now 28 days (almost a month) and Im all over this forum. I feel when a craving strikes, typing a response or reading what others have said really helps distract you and by the time you're done, the craving is gone.

    Its all about having the right mindset. Decide we are done once and for all with smoking and remind ourselves of how bad it smells. I like the smell of a cigarette burning.. but the stench off a person when they come in from a smoke break is vile. you can get it a mile away. 

    This is about my 5th serious shot at quitting and im determinded to make it work and stick. No its not easy but the benefits far outweigh being a smoker. Keep posting and reading... even if its just to have a little rant. We all understand what you're going through.
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    05 Jan 2022 in reply to lucy119
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    Hi lucy119,

    We've all been failed quitters at some point, because quitting is not easy to do.  The important thing is that you are giving it another shot.  Good for you!

    Try to do things to distract yourself.  Read a book, listen to music, go for a walk.  Anything to keep your mind off of it.  And drink lots of water to help remove the toxins from your body.  Make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit and refer to it often.  And read up on all the benefits of quitting.  You might also consider telling family and friends you are quitting so that they can support you.

    It is always daunting at the beginning.  I used to read posts of people who had been quit for a month or so and wonder if I could really get to that point too.  Somehow I did it, and you can, too.  You have done it before and you can do it again.  Believe in yourself.  And keep posting.  We are all here for you.
3 posts, 3 answered