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Looking for some friends of the same feather

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. marko
    marko avatar
    1 posts
    26 May 2024
    26 May 2024
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    Hi. I am new here. I put my quit date a couple of weeks out. I have been smoking for 45 years and have tried to quit multiple times. While I am not in the best of shape I am also incredibly lucky and do not have any serious health issues. I little on the heavy side and could use some structure to get this going. Any idea's out there?
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    26 May 2024 in reply to marko
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    Hi Marko.... first off well done for making this huge life altering decision to kick the habit. I quit on the 16th of May so we can be quit buddies, virtually. I wouldnt worry about your weight... its normal to put on a few pounds when we quit because we start to compensate with sugar what we perceive to be missing out on by not smoking... it balances out after a few months. In the past, when I quit I put on nearly 2 stone... but thats a good thing for me as I was underweight as a smoker. 
    Keep coming back here and read read read... even older threads where people are documenting their experience as they go. It really helps to know you are not the first nor the last person trying to quit the demon. And keep saying NOPE NOPE NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) to each craving you are attacked with.

    Best wishes and know you are not alone. We all understand how difficult it is. Keep going.
2 posts, 0 answered