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My third attempt

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
    9 posts
    06 Nov 2022
    08 Nov 2022
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    Im only on day 4 of my 3rd time trying to quit smoking. Ist time was 2 years and a constant struggle. 2nd time was 2 months and a constant struggle. Im 56 now and this time doesnt feel like a struggle, I still have moments when I think "screw it", but have held strong. I am using the patch and gum.  When I get a serious craving, I sniff my hands( sounds strange I know) But, I HATED the smell of smoke on my hands. After meals I will do wordsearch or color.  Hoping to stay smoke free for good this time.. 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    115 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    08 Nov 2022
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    Congrats on quitting smoking. Love the sniff your hands.  I have found lately I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes on someone. Best of luck. Keep posting and remember NOPE  not one puff ever
  3. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
    9 posts
    06 Nov 2022
    08 Nov 2022 in reply to jb63
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    Thanks! Today was a rough day, very grumpy! Doesnt help that Im working 12 hour night shifts this week. Was very close to caving. So, posted my anguish on facebook and got alot of encouragement from friends and family. It helped. I feel kinda stupid though, all the non smokers must think people that try and quit are weak. Like, they never have the desire to smoke....
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    09 Nov 2022
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    Well done jmac56... you hang on in there and just know that you are not alone. I quit last December and lasted 6 months to June but then let the 'ah have just one' get the better of me. So I'm here now on I don't know how many attempts to really kick the habit to the curve. I sweat at night when I smoke and my partner hates it so I have to stop. And they cost €15.20 a pack of 20 here now so that just isn't affordable. Keep taking the encouragement from your friends and family and believe in yourself. Im right here with you.. we quit before so we know what its all about just have to make it stick this time.. and we will!
4 posts, 0 answered