karen, quit coach
70 posts
09 Nov 2022
28 Aug 2024
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Hi Tara,
Welcome to the community forum and congratulations on Day 1 of your new quit smoking journey! Sounds like you are very determined.
You have attempted to quit in the past and you are ready to try again, that's wonderful! It's very positive that you have reached out for support and using nicotine replacement therapy (nrt) like the patch will really help to soften cravings and ease symptoms of withdrawal.
Many people share tips and strategies here to help them manage cravings, change old habits and/or learn new ways of living smoke free. I hope that you will find some useful information in the threads. In the meantime, here are some strategies that you may also find helpful. We refer to them as the Four D's: Delay, Distract, Deep Breathing, Drink Water. The 4 Ds are effective techniques to cope with cravings when trying to
quit smoking.
Delay: When you feel the urge to smoke, try to delay acting on it.
Tell yourself you'll wait for at least a few minutes. Often, the urge will pass
during this time, and you'll be better equipped to resist the temptation.
Distract: Find a healthy
distraction to take your mind off the craving. Engage in an activity that you
enjoy or one that requires your full attention. This could be anything from
taking a short walk, doing a quick exercise, or even working on a hobby.
Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly and
deeply, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly. Deep
breathing can help calm your nerves and reduce the intensity of cravings.
Drink Water: Sip on water
throughout the day, especially when you experience a craving. It keeps you
hydrated as well as away from smoking.
Hope this helps!
Wishing you much success on your journey!
Warm regards,
Karen, Quit Coach