Hi there. This is my first time using this. I've had several quit dates since the beginning of the year only to have relapses within 1-2 days thereafter.
I'm setting a new wuitdate for March 20. I have reduced my smoking from 3 packs(75) a day as of Jan 1, 2023 to less than 1 pack(<20) a day.
I've tried gum, patch and Champix just recently. The champix is giving terrible side effects for which my doctor suggested to reduce dosage but not stop and try adding a 2nd pill every 3 days instead of days until the body gets a little more comfortable every 2 days then daily with changes every week or two.
The gum is not helping but I'm finding the patch helping me with the cravings and/or withdrawals.
I have to have a good supply of patches to ensure I’m not running