5 posts
15 Mar 2024
03 Oct 2024
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I am 2.5 years into recovery, and I feel it is now time to quit the smoking. I quit on September 16th, and haven't picked up since. I am sick of it. I have been smoking since I was 15 years old, and I am 39 years old now. I guess I worry because during my 3 pregnancies I was able to quit during the entire pregnancies, but as soon as I had a drop of alcohol after my babies were born, I would start smoking again. So, all it takes is one puff, one slip up to be back into that bad habit again. A habit I have been so used to for so many years. I am sick of the taste, i am sick of smelling like smoke, I am sick of the money I spend and I have started to even feel embarrassed to be seen smoking - why, I am have no idea! Anyways, I wish everyone luck on the quitting smoking, it is so hard but we can do it!