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quit, for the last time... I hope!

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. sharonlynn
    sharonlynn avatar
    5 posts
    15 Mar 2024
    03 Oct 2024
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    I am 2.5 years into recovery, and I feel it is now time to quit the smoking. I quit on September 16th, and haven't picked up since. I am sick of it. I have been smoking since I was 15 years old, and I am 39 years old now. I guess I worry because during my 3 pregnancies I was able to quit during the entire pregnancies, but as soon as I had a drop of alcohol after my babies were born, I would start smoking again. So, all it takes is one puff, one slip up to be back into that bad habit again. A habit I have been so used to for so many years. I am sick of the taste, i am sick of smelling like smoke, I am sick of the money I spend and I have started to even feel embarrassed to be seen smoking - why, I am have no idea! Anyways, I wish everyone luck on the quitting smoking, it is so hard but we can do it!
  2. sheza, quit coach
    sheza, quit coach avatar
    15 posts
    16 Oct 2023
    06 Oct 2024 in reply to sharonlynn
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    Hi Sharonlynn, 

    Welcome to the community and congratulations on 2.5 years of recovery and on your decision to quit smoking, what a significant step!  It sounds like you’ve really thought this through, especially with your experiences during your pregnancies. I get why you’d be concerned - just one puff can easily lead back to old habits.

    It’s completely understandable to feel fed up with the taste, the smell, and the money spent on cigarettes. Many of us have been there! The good news is that you’re not alone in this and you’re taking a brave step by deciding to quit.

    Remember, it’s all about taking it one day at a time. If you ever need support or just want to chat about your journey, we’re all here for you. You’ve got this!
2 posts, 0 answered