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Seeking help (finally)

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. rickaricka31
    rickaricka31 avatar
    1 posts
    20 Mar 2023
    20 Mar 2023
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    Hello all,

    I have been a smoker since 8 years now.

    For sure, i tried several ways to quit. But, for the first time, i am seeking help from peers. Normally, i would've tried by myself without help, but so far, all the experience prove me how it is difficult to do it this way without encouragement, and i realized how this aspect could be important, and how it could be helpful in my journey.

    My smoke free day is set for the 22nd of march. Since february, i kept postponing, but health reasons are now pushing me to finally meet a deadline.

    As i am still on about 1 or ½ pack a day; i wouldnt qualify myself as ready. Although, ive learn from all these past experience, and i can be proud that i could quit at least 3 or 4 time although i never succeed for more than 2 months.

    Iam already anxious. Id like to go cold turkey. Although i know its the most difficult. 

  2. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulations on your quit. You can do it. It helps to read other post on here. There''s a lot of information. Take it  one day at time. Remember NOPE Not One Puff Ever. I say that everyday and it helps..
  3. kellie62
    kellie62 avatar
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    21 Mar 2023 in reply to rickaricka31
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    I just wanted to pass on my congratulations for your decision and encouragement.    I have support outside this forum, but also deal with family mockery and smugness regarding my choice.  It's not easy and having this forum, it has pulled me through some tough moments.    The texts seem to come when I need them most.    I was a 40 year smoker and am determined to beat it this time. 
    You can day at a time.   
  4. yannick
    yannick avatar
    9 posts
    12 May 2021
    23 Mar 2023 in reply to rickaricka31
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    Hi Ricka

    I did quit on February 23rd... Like you I have been questioning myself at that time what was the best solution: patch  ? Cold turkey ? Gums ?....
    I feel there isn't one solution fits all, depend on how we feel confortable.
    For me I feel the patches are helping very well.
    As well I did read and re-read the Allen Carr book... (I am not being paid to promote this book :) ) It did really helped me to better understand the psychology behind cigarette addiction. This book has been very instrumental for me to understand that I am not ''missing'' anything by quitting smoking.
    Happy day 2 of quitting!!

4 posts, 0 answered