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Bad shakes

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. allygetson
    allygetson avatar
    2 posts
    13 Nov 2019
    13 Nov 2019
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    This is my first post here. I'm on my second day smoke free. The longest I've went without a cigarette in so many years. I'm having such bad shakes and extreme tiredness. Anyone else have this & what did you do to help? 
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    13 Nov 2019 in reply to allygetson
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    Hey allygetson,

    First of all, welcome. I'm so glad you're here.

    I'm so sorry you're having a rough day. But getting through 2 days is fantastic! It really is!

    Your body is going through some brutal withdrawal right now and it's different for everyone. I know I felt shaky and I just wanted to sleep.

    You're healing and fighting your addiction all at the same time. That's hard, and I promise you, it will get better.

    Come here for support and try to be gentle with yourself over the next few days.

    You don't have to do this alone.
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    13 Nov 2019 in reply to allygetson
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    Just one more thing, allygetson, try getting some good teas. Chamomile helped me relax... less shakes, and green tea is an excellent detox... gets the crap out of your system faster.

    You can do this!
  4. allygetson
    allygetson avatar
    2 posts
    13 Nov 2019
    14 Nov 2019
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    Thanks so much! The shakes have subsided quite a bit today. Very anxious and lots of chest tightness today though but I'm already feeling healthier in a way. 
  5. atp
    atp avatar
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    31 Dec 2018
    14 Nov 2019 in reply to allygetson
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    Hey ally, 

    Congrats on starting this crazy quit journey. 

    I did the cold turkey route and I was always thirsty, tired as all can be, irritable (my wife still reminds me of that to this day), I also had the hand shakes which were minor but enough to make writing hard. 

    Take some time in the next day or two and get rid of all the smoking stuff - ashtrays, butt cans, lighters, etc. Buy a big honking bottle of Lysol spray and go to town with it to rid that smoke smell. 

    In the next day or two take some time to taste and smell your food - I bet you will be surprised. 

    Now everyone's quit is a bit different. Some people go by the rule of 3's - 3rd day, 3rd week, 3rd month - those are the hardest. 

    For me it was looking at the positives - by the 3rd day the nicotine was out of my system, by the 3rd week I was breathing better (a LOT better) and by the 3rd month I was getting over the mental side of smoking. 

5 posts, 0 answered