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106 days cold turkey

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  1. abby
    abby avatar
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    Cold turkey worked well for me. It's been 44 years of smoking. This was my first attempt at quitting. I was on this site during the first few days of quitting but I saw that many were using NRT and counting days as quitting at the same time. For me I knew that wasn't going to work. We are all nicotine addicts and need to get rid ourselves of all nicotine. In my experience over the last few months that's the only way to be sucessful. 

    Cold turkey I went through 3 days of physical withdrawal then 2 weeks of feeling very tired and miserable and then psychological cravings caused by triggers. Now at 106 days cravings only come 1-2 times a day and last for 5 seconds.

    This is how I did it, I'd recommend eliminating all nicotine when your ready to quit for good. And I'm glad I didn't give any money to nicoderm. 
  2. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Abby - I couldn't agree more.  Eventually to be truly quit you have to get rid of all nicotine.  I smoked for 30 years and this is my first and last quit.  It's a mindset of success.  It wasn't easy, in fact it was hell the first bit, but it is getting easier every day.  Studies can show this, and studies can show that, but don't forget who sponsors the studies.  I wonder if Canadian poultry farmers were to sponsor a smoking cessation study, if would find that "Cold Turkey" is the most effective method to quitting?

    Tomorrow marks 200 days smoke free for myself.
  3. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi abby and efreeman75,

    Congratulations on your quits! It's great to hear that you have found a method of quitting that has worked for you. 

    When it comes to quitting, there does not seem to be a "one size fits all" plan. Each person is different. I think that's why this site can be so wonderful as this is a supportive place for everyone in their journey to being tobacco free.

    Thank-you for sharing your experiences.  

  4. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    Hello Fellow Cold Turkeys:

    I was of the mindset too that if I’m going to quit, I’m going to quit - no patch no gum no spray because it’s the nicotine I was trying to rid myself of right?   

    If you want to do the cold turkey method, hats off to you.  The method  IS all about willpower.  You have to want to quit.  I did it before, I know I can do it again.

    What’s the stat? Quit and in two days the nicotine is out of your system?  Why prolong the pain with ‘replacement’ aids?

    I have a inspiring quote I refer back to often:  Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.  

    Conceive it:  have a plan in place to make you a non-smoker.  Have your water ready, plan for distractions and rewards.

    Believe it:  have faith in yourself that you are strong enough to do this.  Tell yourself that you are a non-smoker and believe the words you hear yourself saying.

    Achieve it:  Do it!  Be strong! Stick to the plan and the next thing you know, milestones are being reached:  1 day quit, 1 week quit, 1 month quit, 100 days quit!

    This is hard work.  This takes effort and persistence and patience.  You work through it minute by minute.  Don’t worry about tomorrow - concentrate on today, on the right here right now.  Your strength will get you through it.  

    It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but so @&$%# worth it!  

    My milestone today:  14 days quit!  


  5. abby
    abby avatar
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    Congratulations, you are doing great.
  6. abby
    abby avatar
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    Wow that's great. Thanks for the inspiration.
  7. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    I am going it cold turkey as well, I need surgery and have to be nicotine free for 2 months before they will even book me in to have the surgery done.
    I tried to quit before unsuccessfully, but this time I have a reason which helps to motivate me.
    The last 3 times I tried to quit, I did use the patch and lozenges.
    They did not help much either. I think cold turkey is the best way to go.
    No nicotine at all, because when you are using NRTs, you are still getting nicotine and more likely to go back to smoking.  Congrats on making it!!

  8. cuui
    cuui avatar
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    Just adding my two cents here.

    I think the cold turkey MENTALITY is a must...but not necessarily the actual act of going from 20 darts a day to 0.  One must be prepared to completely starve their body of all cravings for nicotine until the body finally gives up and stops asking for it, but I don't think that necessarily precludes the idea of stepping down prior to engaging in that.

    What I mean is, anyone who views NRT as an easy road to quitting is deluding themselves.  After you've taken your last piece of gum, worn you last patch, dissolved your last lozenge etc the real battle is going to begin and there is no saving oneself from it.  Even if you got yourself down to 1mg of nicotine a day before stopping NRT completely, you'd still be in for a fight. I kind of even forgot myself...I am nearly 1 week off the step 3 patch and it has been much more difficult than moving from step 2 to step 3...I almost let myself believe that I was weaned off it and it wouldn't be bad.  But I have been here before, I know this is the challenging time.  I am prepared for the long haul.

    All I am saying is, I think it is much more difficult to go through the physical withdrawals and psychological withdrawals simultaneously - hacking, cold like symptoms etc + irritability.  
  9. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    What is interesting about quitting is that there is no one way that works for everyone. Each person has their own genetic make-up, their own social triggers, emotional triggers, levels of addiction, etc.

    Anyone who quits, no matter the quit method, deserves to be proud of themselves and has probably been through their own emotional or physical journey; whether that happened all at once or over time.

    Thanks to everyone for being brave enough to share their story, experiences, and opinions.

    Jenna Lee
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi abby,

    I quit cold turkey, too, after having smoked about 43 years.  The reason I decided to quit cold turkey is because I really did not believe that an NRT would help me.  It was all about my lungs and the pain I would experience when quitting.  That is why I was so hesitant to quit.  Just the thought of trying to quit made me break out into a cold sweat.

    Having said that, I do not blame people for using NRTs.  That is what they are there for, to help people quit.  I remember years ago, people telling me to "just quit", like it was easy or something.  Huh.  Easy for non-smokers to say.  It used to really tick me off.  We were told to quit but not given any direction or help as to how to do it.  Well now, thankfully times have changed and we have NRTs.  I say it's about time.  The main thing is to quit this horrible habit, and to quit for good.  So I would encourage anyone thinking of quitting to do some preparation and decide which route they are going to take.  And then just go for it.
  11. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi All


    First of all congrats in your quit! if you get support or not, is about you! Some people they are ok with out it and some not, they need support.
    Every quit is different, I use to smoke 3 packs a day, then I quit cold turkey due to health issues. At the beginning was a bit hard, confronting my addiction and continue my life.
    I sleep some times and relapse more, until one day I realize I was doing it again, then I found the quit Mist and I am not afraid to fail again. The point here is about to create Confidence in your life to keep the quit!

    I am smoke free and No matter if use Nicotine replacement, you know yourself, How confident are you to stay quit and keep it!
  12. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    Thanks for your kindness  and all the lovely prayers that you post. May you sail on the wings of success!
  13. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Good job guys! you're all doing great and are amazing!!! We can do this!!!
13 posts, 0 answered