Forums / My journey / 15 days well today will be day 15 truly

15 days well today will be day 15 truly

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. alexjw
    alexjw avatar
    29 posts
    15 Sep 2018
    23 Sep 2018
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    So I feel an inch or so better and its been a battle. Yes I am doing cold turkey because I am still on meds from grief I lost my Dad my husband and my Mom had a stroke over a year ago and couldnt function. Adding more drugs would be a nightmare. I am low dose for anxiety more than depression. My dog was very sick and passed a few weeks ago and work has been super stressful as I feel nothing but pressure from my boss ...yes we all have so much in this crazy world. I am 51 and have to quit and be healthy and work on being a happier more content person. I am grateful for the support of this site and trying to stay strong and get through the emotional stressors thank you ..any advice welcome 
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    23 Sep 2018
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    Hi alexjw,

    Congratulations on day 15, first of all! You're doing such a good thing for yourself, and that goal of being happier and more content is getting closer day by day. You are strong to hang in there in spite of some hard times!

    I'd love to hear what others here would advise. I'll get the ball rolling in the meantime.

    One thing I recommend to anyone who's in the thick of the quitting smoking process is to treat themselves with extra T.L.C. Take the time to give yourself a pat on the back, do something nice for yourself every day, and also be patient with yourself. You could break this down as "pat, pamper, patience," I guess!

    One other thought: sometimes it may help to adjust dosages of medications while quitting, as the brain chemistry can go through changes due to withdrawals, and some medications could be either more effective or less effective due to these temporary changes. This could be worth discussing further with your healthcare provider.

    Hope this helps,
  3. alexjw
    alexjw avatar
    29 posts
    15 Sep 2018
    23 Sep 2018 in reply to efram, quit coach
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    Thanks Efram much appreciated every positive encouraging word helps - my doctor has been helping and has been clear the withdrawal from cigarettes is impacting me and I have adjusted some meds. She is confident I can adjust again eventually. I don't want to fall back as its been a goal to quit that has come and gone and started and failed so many times. I feel a bit better and made it to yoga today so that is a victory for someone who felt so awful 
    thank you again 
  4. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello alexjw,

    So great to hear your doctor is supporting you so well.  You being committed to the quit (remembering your motivation) will see you through the more challenging times.  Yoga being a great way to take the edge off.  Happy to hear you are feeling better and indeed it is a victory!

    Congrats again, keep going strong!

  5. alexjw
    alexjw avatar
    29 posts
    15 Sep 2018
    23 Sep 2018 in reply to marianne, quit coach
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    thanks Marianne i made it through the day and have just had 2 days off so tomorrow may be a harder day with work and a lot of stress in my current job but I am going to stay smoke free and try and stay calm and focused not get thrown around but my feeling and stress
    thank you for your support
5 posts, 0 answered