Forums / My journey / 15year journey

15year journey

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. spaghetti (formerly valleyman
    spaghetti (formerly valleyman avatar
    6 posts
    08 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2023
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    Hello all
    15 years ago today I quit smoking. It wasn’t cold turkey 
    it was a planned date, champix got me on the path to succeed and I haven’t looked back. If you are just beginning your journey stick with it and come to smokers help line often. They are a tremendous shoulder to lean on. Good luck to you all 
  2. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
    46 posts
    09 Nov 2022
    21 Jun 2023 in reply to spaghetti (formerly valleyman
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    Hi spaghetti,

    Congratulations on being smokefree for 15 years! That is quite an accomplishment. You had a plan and found a quit aid that worked for you. I am so glad that you found the Smokers Helpline helpful. 

    Thank you for sharing and kudos again for sticking with it!

    Quit Coach
  3. spaghetti (formerly valleyman
    spaghetti (formerly valleyman avatar
    6 posts
    08 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2023 in reply to karen, quit coach
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    Thank you 
  4. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    114 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    22 Jun 2023
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    Congratulations on 15 years. 
    That is something to be very proud of
4 posts, 0 answered