Forums / My journey / 2 years today I put out that last smoke!!!!!

2 years today I put out that last smoke!!!!!

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. got to
    got to avatar
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    07 Feb 2018
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    Who would of thought that I would hit 2 years on smoke free...Was the hardest and best thing I ever did for myself.  I was a little more than a pack a day smoker for 35 years....I have saved in the two years $10,234.00, and have not smoked 21,930 cigarettes.  To this day the stats still blow me away!!  I guess my best advice to those who really want to quit smoking.....You really want to quit smoking...period... it has got to be for you and no one else or you will set yourself up for failure...I tried to quit so many only lasting 2 hours then I would cave in and light up...For me I needed help and saw a nurse to was no nonsense and she told me about this site  She some how got me to see the light that I was completely addicted to nicotine and she saw through my bull Sh@t....The moment did come for me on Superbowl Sunday 2016. I had my last smoke...the nurse got me on the patch and I saw her every two weeks for 5 months and by 6 months I was nicotine free.....To this day I still have the odd urge to go run to that store and buy a pack and smoke my face off...but I just wait the 10 minutes and it passes...I have accepted that it never goes away...I just continually say to myself I do not want to smoke...I am a non-smoker...The freedom of not planning your life around the next smoke is liberating!!   Congrats to me!!!!!  Rockin my quit.....GOT To!!!!   
  2. dedi
    dedi avatar
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    Congratulation !!!got to...its probably a big victory for you and a good feeling..for me its 28 days and today it a tuff one...
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    OMG Got To, way to go!  Two whole years - wow!  A big congratulations to you!  You got serious, worked really hard, went through all kinds of hell, and came out victorious.  Isn't it great to be free of this addiction?  It no longer controls your life.  YOU are in control.  Isn't that liberating?

    Yes, it's true, you may always have those moments where you want to go out and buy a pack.  But it DOES pass fairly quickly.  All you have to do is to think of where you are now, and where you were before.  Bet you wouldn't want to trade places with the old you, would you?  Or have to go through the hell of withdrawal all over again.  Yuck.  Once was enough.

    Keep the quit, Got To!  I am so happy for your success!
  4. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Congratulations Got To!!!!!!!!  We choose not to smoke today.....and that's a good thing.
  5. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Congratulations got to.  You are right, the best thing about not smoking is being free of the control it had over you.  Thank you for sharing.
  6. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Got To - and thank you for sharing your journey with our community. This post just lifts the spirit, doesn't it!?!
    The stats are truly phenomenal! It is really amazing how quickly it all adds up. You have every reason to be proud of your accomplishments, Got To, and you serve as an inspiration to others. You sure did nail the cravings - they may be intense, but usually are brief. Is there anything you do in particular during the 10 or so minutes that helps you get through it?
    We all continue to cheer you on, Got To -  Happy Smoke-Free day to you all!!
    Last modified on 08 Feb 2018 15:23 by sarah, quit coach
  7. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    08 Feb 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Hi Goto,

    Congrats on your 2 years!! That's amazing.   Roughly, you could have spent $180k just on smokes in those 35 years as a smoker, without adding in the coffees, beers, wines, and the gums, the junk food, etc you could have bought to supplement this habit.   For example, I used to make atleast two visits a day to Tims for coffee as a smoker, as I enjoyed smoking and drinking coffee. Well when you drive to tims, you don't stop with a coffee, and we normally grab a muffin or a donut or a bagel.  So in a day I would spend $8-10 at the tims because of this habit.  Now that I no longer smoke, I visit tims maybe once a month. so I am saving nearly $3k every year in expenses to supplement my smoking habit as well, on top of the $2.5k I save in smokes. :)
    Last modified on 08 Feb 2018 10:33 by jeyan
  8. got to
    got to avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    08 Feb 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    What I do through those intense moments is pace..and say no no no....and it feels like forever but it passes!!!!!  Rockin my Quit........GOT To
8 posts, 0 answered