Forums / My journey / 77 days smoke free!

77 days smoke free!

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. april022ca
    april022ca avatar
    2 posts
    24 Feb 2019
    17 Oct 2019
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    Didnt think I would ever be able to go through with quitting smoking but it's been 77 days and I'm determined not to go back. I just wanted to say that I honestly couldn't have done it without the help of the smokers helpline. The daily texts, the trial patches and gum that I got in the mail, tracking my progress and the daily emails were absolutely vital in making it this far. Thank you for changing my life!!!!!
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    12 Aug 2019
    17 Oct 2019 in reply to april022ca
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    Hi april022ca,

    77 days! That's fantastic!

    Congratulations and thank you for being an inspiration!
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi april022ca,

    WooHoo, way to go making it 77 days!  That is awesome!

    I know how you feel.  I couldn't have quit without the information and support I got from The Smokers' Helpline.  I read all of the info here and did the exercises.  I learned how to be a non-smoker.  And the support I got from this wonderful community was invaluable.  I practically lived on this site for the first few months of my quit.  The people here helped to pull me through the rough times.

    You should be really proud of yourself, april022ca.  Keep up the good work.  You are doing great!
  4. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    19 Oct 2019
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    Yahooo, april022ca! 
    77 days!
    Ditto justfortoday & treepeo posts: you should be VERY proud of your hard work and determination, and we thank you for the motivation you've shared for those just starting out on and/or working through their quit journey. 
    So happy to hear you found success - firstly - in yourself, but also utilized the Combination Therapy trial pack offer, email support, community forums, quit meter, and text support - all found on this very website! 
    People's quits are as unique as they are, but its pretty awesome you were open to trying the resources available to you, and you found exactly what worked best and helped you go smoke-free.
    Keep up the fantastic work! Celebrate yourself & all your accomplishments!
    Warm regards

4 posts, 0 answered