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9 year rant!

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    30 Sep 2020
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    Just checked my stats. Hard to believe it’s been 9 years since my last smoke.  I can remember those cravings and saying to myself ,”I can’t do this”. It would have been easy to quit quitting. However I did anything I could not to give in. Chewed gum, ate nuts, walked the dog, got a prescription for Champix…etc. It was tough but if you want something bad enough you have to persevere. For those of you who are early in your quit just persevere. Trust me, the cravings do get less intense and farther apart and eventually disappear. Hours turn into days. Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months and months turn into years.
    The key to staying smoke free is to get through all those occasions where you had a smoke without actually having a smoke. After that big dinner, celebrating a birthday, getting up in the morning, before going to bed etc. etc. I smoked for over 40 years. As of today 82400 cigarettes have not gone through my lungs. Not sure where I would have been with my life had I not quit. It’s gratifying to be in control of your life and not have it dictated by a rolled up 4” piece of paper filled with tobacco. The benefits of being smoke free are enormous!! Just believe in yourself and before you know it you’ll be celebrating a milestone you can be proud of!!
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    01 Oct 2020 in reply to kwquitter
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    Wow, 9 years. Incredible! Thank you so much for sharing your story and experience with us. 

    You are an inspiration to us all.

    Keep up the incredible work you are doing.


    Jenna Lee
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi kwquitter,

    Congrats on being a non-smoker for 9 years.  That is amazing!  And doesn't it freak you out to see how many cigarettes you would have smoked during that time?  Good grief, what we put our poor lungs through.  Thank goodness we were able to quit.

    I agree with what you said.  We can do anything we put our minds to.  It isn't at all easy, but it sure is worth the effort.

    Again, kudos to you for persevering and enjoying 9 smoke free years.  Here's to many more!
  4. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    05 Oct 2020 in reply to kwquitter
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    Yes.  Wow 9 years, it's amazing and inspiring considering you smoked 40 yrs.  

    Also, I am seeing many of us successful quitters quit in the fall.  I think fall is the best season to shed the bad habits just like the trees shedding their leaves.

  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    your story shows us all what is possible!

    It does take grit, commitment, and making it through those moments, one minute, one day, one hour, one day at a time. 

    I relate to your story.  I had tried so many times, I never thought it would or could happen. the last time, I had to work up the courage for one year, and even then I was pushed off the ledge by a blizzard in the spring. 

    35+ year smoker and 992 days smoke free! the impossible is now a reality!
5 posts, 0 answered