Forums / My journey / Almost 2 years

Almost 2 years

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. juna.lee
    juna.lee avatar
    4 posts
    14 Oct 2018
    03 Sep 2020
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    The first time I quit I was 19 years old. It lasted 6 years. I remember thinking I would never smoke again. I remember getting comfortable and confident in my ability to stay quit because I had been quit for so many years. When I was 25 the pulse nightclub shooting happened. I felt very alone and I bought a pack of cigarettes.

    Smoking made me feel:
    -less alone
    -more secure
    -like at least I had my cigs- they were like a friend 

    My new quit date was Oct 15th, 2018. Yesterday I found a cigarette on the ground. I wanted to pick it up and put it in my mouth... during a pandemic.... lol. The struggle is real.

    Whenever I want to smoke, I log on to this site and I look at all the money I've saved. $5,291.52. Money has been my primary motivator. I want it to be my health (I truly do feel better) but it's always been money. It's all worth it. Any reason to quit is good. I'm so grateful to have better health, and a heavier wallet.
    Last modified on 03 Sep 2020 18:01 by juna.lee
  2. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
    03 Sep 2020
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    Hi juna.lee,

    Yes, the struggle is real no matter how much time passes by.  I am nearing the 3 year mark, and I still have times when I am tempted to smoke.  This addiction just keeps on giving.  That is why we can never let ourselves become complacent.  We always have to live by NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).  If you never take a puff, you will forever remain a non-smoker.  And that is the ultimate goal for oh so many reasons.

    You should be really proud of yourself for not giving in to temptation.  You need to control your own life, rather than letting this stupid addiction rule the roost.  Bravo to you for staying strong!

    Remember all of the reasons why you wanted to quit in the first place.  If you don't have a written list of reasons already, why not write one up now?  That way you can refer to it when the going gets tough.  Do whatever it takes to remain a non-smoker.  You can do this, juna.lee.  Believe in yourself.
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    05 Sep 2020
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    Hi juna lee

    It sound like you are still finding your way how to live with out the pressure of your addiction! in my experience I always though that smokes was my friend, it was with me in every moment of my life. Until, it started to against me after so many years to be with me.......
    I totally get you! have a sleep is ok. but go back to the quit zone and try no matter how to find and be prepare for the next time.
    I quit last june 6 2015 since then my health improve considerably, No more smoke into my lungs for ever and ever.
    Then the problem begin, I have to deal with the relationship with it and learn to brief again.

    Today I am still here because thank you this site I discover that we are not alone, I know my addiction, i know my self, I need support, Nrt products are very helpfull in those moments.
    Do  not forget that you are dealing with all your life, we did not do anything wrong, we just smoked. Until our health sys NOPE! we have only 1 body and is work it!

    All the best    
  4. juna.lee
    juna.lee avatar
    4 posts
    14 Oct 2018
    11 Sep 2020 in reply to treepeo1
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    Thank you treepeo1. Yes, I can do this!
  5. juna.lee
    juna.lee avatar
    4 posts
    14 Oct 2018
    11 Sep 2020 in reply to brieffree
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    Thank you brieffree. Yes, we're all in this together.
5 posts, 0 answered