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Another Milestone

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    29 Dec 2020
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    Hi Everyone,

    Well, I have hit another milestone.  Today is my 4 year anniversary as a non-smoker!  Yay for me!

    As always, I want to thank all of you here at Smoker's Helpline.  My successful quit would not have been possible without you.

    Remember, quitting IS possible and it is SO worth it!  Never quit trying, and never give up the quit!
  2. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Congratulations treepeo. I hope you do something to celebrate. You deserve it. Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration. 
  3. lesleyaf
    lesleyaf avatar
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    Hi Treepeo,
    4 years! That’s incredible! I admire you and hope to one day be smoke free for 4 years!

    I hope you celebrate you today! You deserve it!

  4. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Treepeo,

    Huge congratulations to you on your 4 years of being smoke free!! 

    I hope you enjoy celebrating your success!

  5. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi treepeo1,

    Wow 4 years is truly amazing & certainly another huge milestone, way to go treepeo1! Keep rocking your quit! I agree with what others have said, celebrate you in a big way, you deserve it!

    Also thank you for being such a huge inspiration & help to so many of us on here.
    Last modified on 30 Dec 2020 04:38 by wandam
  6. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    30 Dec 2020 in reply to treepeo1
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    Hi Treepeo,
    Yay! and WooHoo! for you for sure on your 4 year milestone.  

    Do you remember the discussion, way back, about knowing that at some point that this was the quit that was going to stick?  Even though we were still struggling with urges and cravings we were empowered by that epiphany.  

    Here is a New Years toast to you Treepeo and to a quit well done! 

    You have helped and inspired so many of us over the last 4 years and, that too, was and is....Well Done.
    Thank you!

  7. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Treepeo,

    Four Years - HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!

    I mean, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

    Your unwavering dedication and caring immensely helped myself and many others in our quit journeys.  THANK YOU!!!!!

    I trust your other battles are going well, and that you are continuing to enjoy each blessed day.

  8. atp
    atp avatar
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    Congrats on 4 years!!!
    And thank you for all your positive and helpful posts. You helped me keep my quit in the early days, and I am sure many others as well. 
  9. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hello and Congratulations on your awesome achievement Treepeo!! Wow...4 years, that's wonderful news. and your sharing and insights have helped so much. Thank you and Happy New Year!  - m
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Couldnt agree more with the level of support and encouragement Ive gotten from Treepoe on my journey. You have no idea how much the feedback, advice and stories of your experience really inspire and help keep a quit.
    Well done and thank you.
10 posts, 0 answered