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Darcy's Journey

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. darcy
    darcy avatar
    3 posts
    05 Dec 2017
    03 Feb 2018
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    I am a single dad raising a disabled daughter (21) , so alot of stress
    1year ago i was at 2 packs a day , i worked that down to 28 a day
    I was in need of help but buying Patch or other smoking stuff just cost to much for budget
    Now there are Stop Smoking places that cover price of Patch ect YAY
    I went on patch and was on 28 MG of the patches and on had 3 or 4 cig for first 2 weeks
    then was at 21 MG patch for 3 weeks and no smokes but was breaking out in rash and scratchy all over
    I stopped using patch and curently smoking about 7 cigs a day
    That will slowly be cut down to none
  2. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
    103 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    03 Feb 2018 in reply to darcy
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    Good Afternoon Darcy,

    Sorry to hear you've had a reaction to the patch! Hope your rash and itchiness are recovering!

    So great to see how hard you've worked to cut down, going from a place where you smoked 2 packs a day to where you are now, about 7 cigarettes per day - that is awesome!

    How are you cutting down? What is working for you? Distraction? Would love to hear how you are chipping away at these remaining cigarettes!

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    03 Feb 2018
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    Hi Darcy,

    You have made such great strides.  Good for you.

    Have you tried the Mist?  Some people have found it really helpful.
  4. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    04 Feb 2018
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    Hi Darcy,
    This is great!  Cutting down from 2  pacs daily to 28 cigarettes to 7 with the intention to quit.  You have lots of perseverance and courage.  Having said that,  I believe that you will becom a non smoker one day at a time.  We are here to help and encourage you.  Please continue posting.
  5. darcy
    darcy avatar
    3 posts
    05 Dec 2017
    04 Feb 2018 in reply to jennifer, quit coach
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    when i go out , i leave smokes at home
    at home , i look at my daughter when i grab the pack , that works sometimes , but stress i stress sometimes
  6. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    04 Feb 2018
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    Hello Darcy

    Congrats in your Desire to quit for good!

    Your Angel will be proud of you! Just say No!

    All the best!
  7. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    04 Feb 2018
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    Hello Darcy,

    Leaving your cigarettes at home when you go out is a huge step.  And your daughter is an important motivator.  However, stress is always a factor as you say.  For a lot of people, smoking was a few minutes to self to regroup.  So this time is really important to keep.  Can you think of anything else that will give you that outlet when at home?   Also, any thoughts about trying other nicotine replacement options such as the nicotine inhaler, gum, spray or lozenge?  

    A lifestyle change certainly takes time and you have come so far, be proud and keep reminding yourself of your success.  

    Hope to hear from you about how the rest of the week is going.    

  8. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    04 Feb 2018
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    Hi Darcy,

    I cannot really imagine how much stress you experience at times.  But really, smoking doesn't help.  It doesn't change the situation we are in.  It just hurts our bodies.

    Can you steal a few moments for yourself and do something other than smoke?  Maybe work on a crossword puzzle, play a game on your phone, enjoy a coffee or tea?  I don't know what might work best for you.  I just know that when we quit, we have to learn to change our routines a bit.

    I hope you can come up with some ideas.  And I think you are doing really great!  You should be proud of yourself.
8 posts, 0 answered