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Day 1 past

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. franny
    franny avatar
    41 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    29 Nov 2017
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    I've been trying to quit smoking for a year now.  I must have tried at least 10 times.  The longest I've gone is 2 weeks.  But I didn't smoke yesterday and this morning, so I hope I can stay quit.  I am more realistic and positive today, and will use my means and the helpline if cravings arise.  So far so good.
  2. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    29 Nov 2017 in reply to franny
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    Hey Franny - You're off to a GREAT start!!!
    It sounds like you've got the most important thing in mind: CONCENTRATE ON TODAY.
    Don't worry about how your QUIT will be tomorrow, the day after, or the day after that!
    TODAY is the most important.
    In fact: If you want to concern yourself with your quit, focus on the next HOUR: "I will not smoke for the next hour!"  Once you've achieved that, it's time to set a new goal - maybe for another hour, maybe for 90mins...but make your goals achievable!!

    We all get hung-up in the daunting thought of "I can quit for an hour, but how could I ever quit for a week or more?"
    Don't concentrate on the week - the week WILL happen!! ...It will just be made-up of many many individual hours that you've accomplished smoke-free.  Don't let your thoughts beat you up with the notion of an 'impossible QUIT'. 
    You're not going to focus on quitting: You're choosing not to smoke for the next hour, or the next day...And then, you can choose not to smoke for another manageable period of time.

    All of us smokers are brainwashed that it's impossible / extremely difficult to QUIT.  Don't believe's possible: as long as you only focus on smaller, more manageable sections of time as you proceed through the process.

    One of the most important things is to set these small "goals"...
    Doesn't matter if your specific goal is for an HOUR or a WEEK: Reward yourself once you've achieved it!
    For example, once you've accomplished a full day without your vice, reward yourself with something that measures-up to the accomplishment: Maybe to buy something for the equivalent $10-$12 money you just saved?  It's up to you.

    We're all here for you, Franny - and we all want to see you SUCCEED!!!
    Please don't hesitate to keep us posted of your progress as you go!

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim.

    Don't forget to check out my online resources page:

    Last modified on 29 Nov 2017 10:41 by buttingout2014
  3. onyx
    onyx avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    29 Nov 2017
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    Nice to meet you, Franny!

    Jim's right, focus on smaller goals. It makes things so much easier, and you're not overwhelmed with trying to keep from smoking for days at a time. One hour is a good place to start, as he suggested. 

    To be successful in your quit, the idea is to reprogram yourself into being a non smoker. For anyone who smokes or has smoked, it integrates itself into almost every aspect of their lives. Think about it for a moment... From the moment you get up, until the moment you fall asleep, you have those "times" that you just "have" to have a cigarette - after meals, with a coffee or a tea, during your favorite movie or TV show, and the list goes on. 

    If you smoke right after a meal, try doing something else. Get up away from the table and the cigarettes, and go for a walk if the weather is fine. If not, do something like the dishes (or load the dishwasher), get up and have a glass of water, there are so many different things one can do to prevent from lighting up. 

    If you have a smoke with your coffee or tea, switch beverages, and don't smoke with them. Your brain associates the beverage with nicotine, and that will create a craving. After you're well into your quit, try going back to it. (I did and I am back to guzzling coffee without wanting to smoke) 

    If you smoke in your house, go outside. Make the house smoke free. It helps!

    Do something to break the hand to mouth habit, which I've discovered is a huge hurdle to a lot of people in their quit. If you need something to do with your hands, get a stress ball. Play with a pen. Chew on a straw. Do something to keep away from that hand to mouth motion. I think once that is mastered, the quit becomes a little easier. (Nicotine withdrawal is the pits, we all know it's awful, but it is possible to get through it)

    Keep up that positive attitude, and it's good you're keeping the helpline in mind. Sometimes just knowing it's there helps a *lot*, and will help you get through a craving without actually calling it. 

    You're doing wonderfully, Franny. Just remember to breathe, and don't forget to reward yourself for the small victories, as well as the large ones. Even if it's only a piece of your favorite candy as a reward, things like that do help a lot. ;)

    One hour, one minute at a time. ;)
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    29 Nov 2017 in reply to franny
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    Hi Franny

    I think is great start think in positive, drink a lot water and the crave pass.

    You are doing ok

    Congratulations in your day1 smoke free
  5. paul, quit coach
    paul, quit coach avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
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    Hi franny, we hope the day went well.

    Thank you all for your responses. One day at a time, rewarding yourself, changing routines, all invaluable strategies.

    Have a wonderful smoke free evening.
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    29 Nov 2017
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    Hi Franny,

    Jim is absolutely right about breaking time up into more manageable time slots.  What I would add is that when you get a craving, wait 10 minutes, because anyone can wait 10 minutes.  If you are still craving, wait another 10 minutes, and so on, until the craving passes.  And give yourself some credit.  You haven't stopped trying to quit, you haven't given up.  That means a great deal.  Never quit trying to quit, and one of these days it will stick.
6 posts, 0 answered