Forums / My journey / Day 28

Day 28

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. alexjw
    alexjw avatar
    29 posts
    15 Sep 2018
    05 Oct 2018
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    Okay so day 28 today smoke free... I managed to make it throu a 6 day conference in the  US in Chicago and avoid all smokers as best I could and maybe a few glasses of wine only had one big craving the big dinner and dance night with the wine and drinking around but held it together !!!!
  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    05 Oct 2018
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    Hi Alexjw,

    Congratulations on 28 days smoke free and navigating your way past the triggers and cravings at the convention! You got this!

  3. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    237 posts
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    05 Oct 2018
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    Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress, alexjw! Fantastic! You have had some challenges and have triumphed! You are keeping your motivation strong and I can tell by all those exclamation points that you are excited to be doing so well!!!

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    05 Oct 2018
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    Hi Alexjw,

    WooHoo! Way to go.  I know you were worried about going to this convention but you did it.  You stayed strong and stayed smoke free.  You should be so proud of yourself!  I am thrilled for you, Alexjw, I really am.  Do something nice for yourself this weekend to celebrate this tremendous victory!  Yippee!
  5. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
    117 posts
    16 Jul 2018
    06 Oct 2018 in reply to alexjw
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    Congratulations on being smokefree, not an easy task Alexjw.
    What do you think has helped you the most so far?
    Have a nice Thanksgiving
5 posts, 0 answered