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Fell off the Wagon

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. gnomemoresmokes
    gnomemoresmokes avatar
    5 posts
    02 Apr 2020
    26 May 2020
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    I got through about two weeks of not smoking and had a little slip on the Victoria Day weekend. Long story short I am back to smoking although only smoking about 5 to 10 cigarettes a day instead of 20 (along with chewing on gum in between).

    Reasons why I fell:

    -I ran out of the spray (which I find expensive). Switched to 2mg gum which I have a lot of, but it doesn't work. I also tried the inhaler but it tastes gross.
    -It was the May 24 weekend
    -I started watching MadMen again before it leaves Netflix on June 10 and it is impossible not to smoke while watching that show but I am addicted to that show (I am TV aficionado and I don't want to not finish it, it is a landmark show)

    I am going to quit again June 1st bc I still have another season of Mad Men to get through.I am really ready to quit this time and I used the tools on the website so I won't fail again.

  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    227 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    26 May 2020
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    Good evening gnomemoresmokes 

    Thank you for your post, for checking in & letting us know how you're doing!

    Firstly, congratulations on going smoke-free for two weeks, AND though you're back to smoking, you are smoking less than usual!
    What also deserves to be noted: you are SO aware of your quit, and why the relapse happened. This information is SO helpful in getting your prepared for your upcoming new attempt...what worked for you, what didn't work for you, what to avoid and what to do differently. 
    Finally, great work for re-setting your quit date, knowing what you need to have in place, and giving yourself the time to get ready to quit. 
    You can do this, gnomemoresmokes! You've proven it! 
    All the best,

  3. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    03 Jun 2020 in reply to gnomemoresmokes
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    So.....Did you start your quit again?

    You know I read your post and kind of laughed. That would have been me 1.5 years ago. Smoking seemed to matter and quitting seemed so hard. 

    Ok, quitting is hard. But its worth it once you're over it. 

    The spray is cheaper than buying a bunch of packs of smokes though.....I've saved just over $7,300.00 since I quit smoking. Now if this covid would go away maybe I could spend some of those savings on a nice trip. 

3 posts, 0 answered